the culture

Team presentation: how to stand out from the crowd?

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Team presentation: how to stand out from the crowd?
Team presentation: how to stand out from the crowd?

Video: Webinar: How to stand out in a crowd 2024, June

Video: Webinar: How to stand out in a crowd 2024, June

Competition, whether it be a humorous show or a marathon, always requires a thorough approach. Especially when it comes to team play, because if you can improvise alone, then in a group competition coordination of actions is required. Therefore, it is so important to think through everything before the event, including the presentation of the team.

But what is so important about this? Why is everybody so eager to make their team presentation perfect? Well, the answer is simple, but let's talk about everything in order.


Why is it so important not to blunder at the very beginning?

We think everyone remembers scenes from the film where they show how warriors shout a battle cry before a large-scale battle? The feeling that arises at this moment is difficult to convey in simple words. It seems that another moment - and you yourself will rush with them into the thick of the battle, scattering the enemies to the right and left.

The same feeling should arise in people when they listen to the greeting team. It should fascinate them, capture the heart and mind, so that during the competition the audience supported the applause of their favorites.

Also, the presentation should reflect the whole essence of the team, show its strengths. To do this without preliminary preparation obviously will not work, therefore, a few weeks before the event, or even earlier, you need to start rehearsing.

What is needed for a successful team presentation?

Representation of the team at the competition is not an easy task, and you can’t imagine it in half an hour. Therefore, gather all the participants in advance and start thinking about how to present yourself to the public.

To do this, let everyone express their ideas. Practice has repeatedly proved that collective thinking gives better results than screening out single ideas. In addition, as they say, one head is good, and two is better.


So, what is needed for a successful presentation of the team?

  1. Title. Where would it be without him, because how then stand out from the rest?

  2. Business card. It will be that chip that will convey to the public all the necessary information about the group.

  3. Slogan. Each self-respecting team has a “chant”, which, in theory, should be remembered by the audience the first time.

These three elements can make the presentation of the team unforgettable. Therefore, they need to be worked out all, while carefully sorting out each of the components.

Representation of the team: business card, name and slogan

So, you should start with the name. After all, it should sound good and at the same time reflect the whole essence of the collective. I would like to indicate one point: quite often collectives take the names of their institutions and enterprises. On the one hand, it increases recognition, and on the other, it may sound too trite, and sometimes even tasteless. After all, who will root for the football team "Budyonka Sausage"?

A slogan is a small sentence that serves as a motto. First of all, he should pronounce himself well so that the audience immediately remembers him. Secondly, the saying should be funny and, besides this, carry a certain meaning. For example: “If to be, then to be the best!” or "Do not look at others under their feet, otherwise you will fly off the road!".

A business card can have a different shape and presentation style. It all depends on the genre and level of competition. So, in KVN, a whole number is allocated for a business card, and for a sporting event, the usual site on which all the necessary information is indicated is sufficient.
