the culture

Problems of modern society: what is debauchery?

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Problems of modern society: what is debauchery?
Problems of modern society: what is debauchery?

Video: What are the most important moral problems of our time? | Will MacAskill 2024, July

Video: What are the most important moral problems of our time? | Will MacAskill 2024, July

Once Victor Marie Hugo said: "Oh, how beautiful the revelry at the beginning is, and how disgusting is its reverse side." Unfortunately, modern society is starting to forget a little about it. Moral values ​​and ancient foundations are gradually supplanted by new ideas and false ideals based on the primacy of money, pleasure and sex. Society begins to sink in its own vices and sins.

But what was the reason? The answer is simple - debauchery. After all, now it is so easy to get access to alcohol, drugs and pornography. Most do not even need to make much effort to get what they want. And if society does not want to slide even lower, then it needs to come up with a way to deal with this. And for this you need to understand what debauchery is and how dangerous it is for us.


Features of modern society

The discoveries of the 21st century gave us the opportunity to communicate from a distance using the Internet, mobile communications and television. Which greatly facilitated the lives of people, because now you do not need to wait every day for letters from relatives or clients. But the trouble is: any discovery can be used both for good and vice versa.

Advertising agencies, dishonest companies, propagandists - they all began to actively use the media to achieve their goals. But society did not immediately accept them, so they decided to sweeten their ads using debauchery. And it bore fruit.

What is debauchery

First of all, it is necessary to determine the concept we are considering. After all, everyone can interpret the meaning of the word "debauchery" in their own way. And this, in turn, will lead to misunderstanding and detachment.

So, according to the explanatory dictionary, debauchery is an immoral phenomenon that contradicts the moral principles of society. Most often, it is associated with obscene behavior in bed or beyond. For example, same-sex relationships, sex in public, various kinds of perversions are often considered depraved.


Debauchery: good or bad?

For many years, great minds have been arguing about how much debauchery affects society. Some argue that he cannot bring much trouble, since it is natural for humans. Others, on the contrary, hold a defensive position, defending habitual ideals and moral values ​​with all their might. But which of them is right and which is wrong?

If we talk about what debauchery is for an ordinary person, then we can confidently say: this is evil. For he does not just liberate people, no, he imposes false ideas and images on them. For example, threesome is not the usual norm for a person.

Impact on the future generation

Worst of all, the most vulnerable category is children and adolescents. Their minds eager for new information quickly absorb materials written by a depraved hand. And then, puzzled parents are surprised that their children behave contrary to established rules.

But can children be blamed for this? After all, they just follow the examples that they are shown from the TV screens. How can they understand that their favorite characters in life are completely different? That they do not drink wine in liters, do not look for a new partner for sex every day, and even less do not go half-naked in public.
