
Cost of living in Rostov-on-Don for pensioners, children and the working population

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Cost of living in Rostov-on-Don for pensioners, children and the working population
Cost of living in Rostov-on-Don for pensioners, children and the working population

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Each person and / or family has its own larger or smaller budget, which depends on many factors. First of all, from the level of income, then from cultural and domestic traditions, as well as from the region of residence. The state also considers for itself the minimum amount that a person can live in a certain region without "stretching his legs" from hunger. The cost of living in Rostov-on-Don in the second quarter of 2018 is 9, 554 rubles.


The cost of living is equal to the cost of the consumer basket. It is calculated every quarter according to a single algorithm established by the government for Russia and each region. In each subject of the Russian Federation, this indicator is also determined separately for pensioners, children and the working-age population once a year, in order to determine the size of surcharges.


The consumer basket includes a set of products, clothes and services that are necessary for a person’s vital activity at a certain level, which are recalculated using a system of coefficients. For example, it is believed that in a year a Russian needs 100 kg of potato, 126.5 kg of bread, cereals and pasta, 60 kg of fruit, 58 kg of meat. Mandatory payments are also taken into account. Prices are taken from the data of the State Statistics Committee on the level of prices for goods and services. In addition, take into account the cost of payment of mandatory payments (amount of taxes).

What cost of living in Rostov-on-Don will be accepted is determined by the size of the consumer basket and the prices of the region. Since 2013, they began to consider only a food basket, and the cost of non-food goods and services is taken in the amount of 50% of the cost of food.

Why is it needed?

Most likely, the majority of the population thinks that the state sets a living wage in order to take care of them. In fact, the Russian government considers this indicator primarily to be used for calculations in the implementation and development of federal social programs and the development of social policy measures. They are also guided by it when determining the sizes of various payments, such as scholarships, allowances and other types of social payments. It is used to determine the minimum wage, and in calculations when the national budget is formed.


The cost of living in Rostov-on-Don is set quarterly by the regional government (in some regions of the country a federal indicator is used). It is used to develop and monitor the implementation of local social programs, determine the size of payments to the poor and in budgeting.

What you can live in 2018

In 2018, in the first quarter, the cost of living in Rostov-on-Don was set by the regional administration by 292 rubles more than in the previous year. It amounted to 9, 554 rubles. The living wage for able-bodied citizens is 10 138 rubles, for children - 10 111 rubles, for pensioners it is set for a year and amounts to 7 731 rubles. The regional government believed that 4, 251 rubles a month would be enough for food and 2, 102 for all non-food items. For mandatory payments and fees, a resident of Rostov-on-Don will have to pay 685 rubles from the cost of living.

In the second quarter, the indicator was increased from 2.63% to 2.9% for different demographic groups. The total per capita is 9816 rubles, for the able-bodied - 10412 rubles, for pensioners - 7941 rubles, for the children the living wage was increased most of all - by 302 rubles, amounting to 10413 rubles. It is believed that retirees need the least money to survive.