
Worker bees are who? What gender is the working bee? The composition of the bee family

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Worker bees are who? What gender is the working bee? The composition of the bee family
Worker bees are who? What gender is the working bee? The composition of the bee family

Video: How Do Honeybees Get Their Jobs? | National Geographic 2024, July

Video: How Do Honeybees Get Their Jobs? | National Geographic 2024, July

Working bees are such representatives of the hive that perform all tasks related to the collection and processing of nectar. However, this does not mean at all that other members of the family are inactive or are engaged only in absorbing food. In fact, every representative in any hive is important, he plays a role, and without him normal work will not work.

The composition of the bee family

The composition of the bee family and its features are unique within one hive. But still there are some data that can be summarized. Firstly, in each family there are three types of bees:

  1. Uterus. This is a developed female, which is engaged in laying eggs. That is, she is responsible for increasing the number of bees.

  2. Drones. These are males, the number of which reaches several thousand in one hive.

  3. Working bees. These are undeveloped females engaged in the collection of nectar and other works.


Secondly, in every hive everything is fine. There are several zones:

  • A place for eggs that the female lays.

  • A place where the chrysalis rest until a baby hatches from them.

  • A place where stocks of honey and nectar are stored.

And thirdly, directly working bees are also subdivided by age. Young go to collect nectar, the older ones are engaged in its processing.


The queen bee is often regarded as the mother of a large family, its mistress. In fact, this is true, but only in part. The only function of this female is to lay eggs in combs. She will not be able to cope with all other tasks, including vital ones.

The uterus is not able to feed and clean up various garbage and waste near itself. And the working bees are in this case some kind of servant. They are engaged in feeding, cleaning and sometimes even transferring the uterus from one section of the honeycomb to another.


Before the uterus begins its direct obligations, she inspects the frame. If the working bees have not cleaned it enough, then she will not lay eggs. Every year in early March, the uterus takes care of new offspring. At best, she can lay up to 1, 500 eggs per day. This is necessary in order to create a sufficient number of bees before the flowers begin to bloom. If this is not done, then the family will not collect enough honey and will not be able to feed on the onset of cold weather, as a result of which it will die.

Sometimes the uterus dies, and then the working bees lay queen cells in the eggs, up to several pieces. Uterus hatch from such cells, but only the strongest survives, often the one that was born before. When other uterus is born, the first begins to sting them, because they are its rivals. Only one mistress should remain in the hive. If you do not get rid of your rivals, then the existence of the first is at risk.

Working bees

Working bees are females, but with undeveloped sexual functions. They are only able to make cells on honeycombs; they cannot lay eggs. When such a bee is born, it immediately proceeds to various duties directly inside the hive. She will carry out the work until she becomes completely adult and ready to fly out of the hive to collect nectar.


One cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question of who these working bees are. Who are they in the hive? What work is being done? You can list only a few types of functions that these family members are engaged in:

  • Cleaning the hive.

  • Maintenance of the uterus.

  • The removal of dead individuals to the outside.

  • Maintaining the temperature inside the hive in hot and cold weather.

  • The collection of nectar and pollen, its processing, the creation of honey.

This list goes on and on. In fact, worker bees never die of old age. They are so worn out by physical labor that they die precisely because of this.


Despite the fact that there are many legends about the idle life of a drone, its existence can be called rather meager. Moreover, in the process of fulfilling his direct obligations, he dies, like all bees that lose their sting.

The drone’s task is not to feed and rest. He is responsible for reproductive function, albeit indirectly. During the flyby, he needs to find an unfertilized uterus. After mating, a developed female literally tears out his reproductive apparatus. The result of this action is the death of the individual.


If the drone did not find the uterus for fertilization, then it will live normally until the start of frost. Then, since the hive must be clogged to protect itself from the cold, all individuals that do not perform any duties are simply taken out, where they also expect death. At the same time, working bees are a kind of executioners, since they will have to cleanse families of additional and useless “hungry mouths”.

Bee family polymorphism

Polymorphism is a long process of evolution, during which a division of labor is formed between all individuals of the hive. For example, the uterus has one specialization - laying eggs. She no longer bears any responsibility. While one uterus lives in the family, its features remain the same. This may be a specific smell, honey collection method, winter hardiness, aggressiveness and other indicators important for family life. Accordingly, if you replace the uterus, then the features will change.

Worker bees are the main structure of the hive. All actions related to the collection of nectar, child care, are performed only by them. They are exempted from the obligation of procreation, because they simply cannot do this. Their reproductive system is not developed.


And the last representatives are drones. These are males, and their specialization is mating with the uterus. They do no more work.

It should be noted that each bee family will normally exist only if it is full. If you remove at least some type of its inhabitants, then life will simply end.

Birth and development of a working bee

Who are working bees? What are these individuals in the hive, and what responsibility do they have? To answer these questions, just look at the development of the bee, starting from birth. So, they hatch from the female cell into which the egg was previously placed by the uterus. First they eat milk. In fact, its production is focused on the uterus, the baby eats what remains. On the third day, a working bee receives pollen.


On the eighth day of larval development, older bees tighten the cell with wax. If this is not done, then not a working female will be born, but a uterus. Then, within 12 days, the pupa transforms into a full-fledged bee.

After leaving the cage, a working bee immediately begins to do its work. This can be cleaning honeycombs, garbage collection, uterine care and so on. On day 7, she is ready to fly out of the hive. Now work begins to collect nectar and pollen, every day several times the bee flies out in order to bring some food.

The only entertainment of the individual in question is the game flying around the area. Before heading for nectar, a young bee flies out at noon in order to frolic in the sun. It is believed that the more fun the young females play, the better the uterus in the family. The rest of the time until the end of life, the bee has to work hard and constantly.

Separation of work in the hive

If we consider the interpretation of the term "worker bees" according to the principle of division of labor, then two main types are visible. The first is for young females. It includes:

  • Isolation of milk and wax

  • Feeding.

  • Uterine care.

  • The structure of cells on honeycombs.

All this is done by young bees that still cannot fly out of the hive. Their wings are not yet strong enough to travel long distances.

Senior bees do work outside the hive. They bring nectar, water, pollen and so on. It should be noted that young bees will never begin to do the work of older ones, and vice versa.

Features of Honey Bees

There are many books that will help if the task is to master the apiary, find out what the uterus, drones and working bees do. Beekeeping for beginners will be a rather complicated process, since you need to know many features and nuances. For example, wax is the most ordinary sweat. But even to him hardworking bees found application.

It is difficult for beginners to figure out how many bees are needed in order to survive the winter. The fact is that they are able to heat themselves, but only on condition that sufficient numbers are available.


It is also difficult for new beekeepers to imagine how a bee selects its own from several beehives. And this is done because of the characteristic unique smell. Only occasionally a bee does not fly into its home.

In a word, before you break your apiary, you need to learn a lot of information, because knowing all the subtleties and features will allow you to quickly establish production.