
Plants listed in the Red Book of the Rostov region. Rare and endangered plant species of the Rostov region

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Plants listed in the Red Book of the Rostov region. Rare and endangered plant species of the Rostov region
Plants listed in the Red Book of the Rostov region. Rare and endangered plant species of the Rostov region

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The Red Book is a document officially recognized throughout the world that contains information about animals and plants that need special state protection. Such a list may be of international, national or regional significance. Lists in which representatives of flora and fauna that are threatened with extinction are indicated are in each state and region. In this article, plant species listed in the regional Red Book of the city of Rostov and the region will be considered.

How the Red Book of Russia was created

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of Russia as a separate independent power, the question arose of the need to issue a state Red Book. Such a publication should list the endangered species of plants, mushrooms and animals, collecting information from all over the country. The basis for the creation of this document was the Red Book of the RSFSR. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation was entrusted with controlling the process of issuing such a list. This institution created a government commission on rare species of representatives of fauna and flora, which at that time were threatened with extinction.


The first issue of the Russian Red Book was published in 2001. The publication included 860 pages of descriptions, color illustrations and photographs of all plants and animals brought into it that need protection.

Description of the Red Book of Rostov and the region

The Red Book of Rostov and the region is a collection of descriptions, illustrated images and photographs of animals, plants and mushrooms that are on the verge of extinction. In 2003, the administration of the Rostov Region approved the list as an official document by an appropriate resolution. This list is a regional version of the Red Book of Russia. It contains information on the current state and methods of protecting representatives of the flora and fauna that constantly or periodically inhabit the territorial borders of the Rostov Region.

Currently, this list includes 579 species of endangered wildlife, of which 256 are animals, 44 are mushrooms and 279 are plants listed in the Red Book of the Rostov Region. Below we will consider rare and endangered representatives of the flora of this region.

Bieberstein Tulip

The aureole of this plant is the steppe slopes, meadows, forest edges and canopies. Such a tulip has a greenish-yellow bud that crowns a thin stalk surrounded by two linear leaves. The height of the stem can reach 40 centimeters.

This representative of the flora is a perennial. Its bulb is ovoid and reaches two centimeters in diameter. The shell of this underground part of the stem is painted black. She is poisonous.


Bieberstein's tulip blooms with one drooping yellow bud, which opens wide in sunny weather. At night and on cloudy days, its petals are tightly compressed. Such a plant has a biological feature - it changes the maternal bulb every year. Thanks to this, the tulip is exploring new places. The beauty of such a representative of the flora has led to the fact that this flower may disappear.

In addition to the Bieberstein tulip, there are other plants listed in the Red Book of the Rostov Region. For example, thin-leaved peony.

Leaf peony

The thin-leaved peony is one of the most beautiful flowers growing in the steppe. Also, this representative of the flora grows on the edges of deciduous forests.

Such a plant can reach a height of 50 centimeters. Its bud is located on the stem, which is covered with triple leaves. The flower blooms in May and can have a color from red to saturated raspberry. Bright petals surround the core, in which yellow anthers and purple stamens are located. This representative of the flora completes flowering in mid-July.


In the people, such a plant is also called "Voronets", or "azure flower". Many legends and legends are composed about him. Currently, the thin-leaved peony is a rare plant. It is noted in the Red Book of the city of Rostov and the region. This endangered representative of the flora is listed in its corresponding section.

The Red Book also includes other types of plants, among which we can distinguish the Lungwort dark.

Lungwort is dark

This plant is considered one of the most beautiful spring flowers. At first, the petals of the bud of the Lungwort have a pink color, later they turn blue - blue. Three to five flowers located close to each other are located on the stem.

A distinctive feature of Lungwort is the presence on the same plant of buds with petals of different shades. The flowering period of this representative of the flora is April-May.


The plant has oblong peaked leaves. A cup of flower looks like a bell. Basal leaves grow in the Lungwort after flowering. The habitat of this representative of the flora is deciduous forests and bushes. Lungwort is listed in the regional Red Book of Rostov and the region, as well as other rare plants of this region, for example, pygmy iris.

Dwarf kasatik

This plant belongs to short-rhizome herbaceous perennials. The height of its stem can be from 10 to 15 centimeters. The catfish has a thickened rhizome that forms tufts with twisted shoots.

The leaves of the plant are linear in shape and are 6-10 centimeters long and 3-10 millimeters wide. They grow from the rhizome, painted in a bluish color. On the stem is a single flower, which can be purple, blue, yellow or white.


Dwarf kasatik grows mainly in the steppe regions, preferring light and loose soil cover. You can observe the flowering of this representative of the flora in April-May.

Dwarf kasatik is an endangered species of flora. There are also other plants listed in the Red Book of the Rostov region. They will be discussed in more detail below. Such endangered plants include, for example, thin fennel, perennial perennial or Schrenk tulip.

Woodland perennial

This plant has a feature that distinguishes it from other representatives of the flora. If the perennial forest tree is dried for many years, then it will not become black or green, like most plants, but will acquire a blue tint. This unusual property of a flower is explained by the presence of a special substance in it. While the plant lives, it has the usual green color. But if he dies, this substance is oxidized, and the perennial perennial turns blue.


The flowering period of such a plant falls on April-May. Blooming buds are small and inconspicuous. The leaves on the stem have an elongated oval shape and are arranged in pairs, one opposite to the other.

Perennial wood for many years loves moisture and mineral-rich soil. This plant can often be found in oak forests. It is listed in the Red Book of Rostov and the region, as well as other rare plants of this region.

Tulip Schrenka

This plant is a wild species of tulips. During its flowering period, the steppe and semi-desert territory where this representative of the flora lives is covered with a floral carpet painted in several shades at once. The buds can be yellow, lilac, red, pale pink, purple and even white.


Such a tulip got its name in honor of the famous botanist Schrenk. This flower reaches a height of 15-40 centimeters. He has a large cup-shaped bud, the petals of which are brightly colored. At the stem are several leaves of dark green color, having an oblong shape.

Currently, Schrenk's tulip is listed in the Red Book of Rostov and the region, because it is on the verge of extinction. The main reason for this is the plowing of virgin lands, uncontrolled cattle grazing, industrial pollution of the soil. But most of all, the human factor affects the gradual disappearance of a plant.