
Rare animals of the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region

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Rare animals of the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region
Rare animals of the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region

Video: University Challenge S47E23 Magdalen - Oxford vs Fitzwilliam - Cambridge 2024, June

Video: University Challenge S47E23 Magdalen - Oxford vs Fitzwilliam - Cambridge 2024, June

The animals of the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region are of great interest to modern science, and are also integral parts of the ecosystem as a whole, so the most important task is to preserve those species that are considered endangered. In the region, various measures are being taken to preserve flora and fauna.


Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region: animals and plants

This book is considered an official document containing a complete list with a brief description of all species of animals and plants that are considered endangered. To date, information on 549 species of animals, plants, and fungi has been entered into this document, the conservation of which requires close attention.

Of all the plants and animals listed in the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region, representatives of the flora account for 245 species, vertebrate animals - 90 species, invertebrates - 156, mushrooms - 25 and lichens - 33 species.

The extinction of such a large number of living creatures can entail serious environmental problems, therefore, the authorities of the region and Russia as a whole are taking a number of measures to protect and preserve all the species presented in this book.


Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region: animals (list)

Below is a brief list of rare animals of the Ulyanovsk region, which, due to their extremely difficult situation, were recorded in the Red Book:

  1. Turtle is swamp. Belongs to the family of freshwater turtles. This animal is medium in size, has a rather long tail (almost 50% of body length) and developed swimming membranes on its paws

  2. Watery already. The family is already original. The snake has a length of 70 centimeters to one and a half meters. The upper side of the body of the snake has a rather dark color with interspersed dark spots arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

  3. Red-necked Grebe. Grebe family. Nesting of these birds, as a rule, occurs in the temperate and subarctic latitudes of Russia. She swims and dives well, prefers to settle in the vicinity of water bodies.

  4. Steppe harrier. The hawk family. A relatively small, elegant bird of prey. The main food for the steppe moon is small rodents (mice, shrews, etc.), in exceptional cases it preys on small birds.

  5. Forest dormouse, belonging to the family of dormouse, is a small mammal, the size of which rarely exceeds 12 centimeters. He is awake in the dark, settles in the hollows of trees, where he arranges for himself a nest of the squirrel type.

  6. Eversman's hamster. Distributed over a wide area from the river. Volga to the Chinese province of Xinjiang, however, in the Ulyanovsk region is listed in the Red Book, since it is extremely rare.

This is not the whole list of animals of the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region, but only a small part of it.



Among the plants of the Ulyanovsk region there are also many of those that are present in the Red Book. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Adonis (Campion) spring. Herbaceous perennial, the distribution area of ​​which is the steppe and forest-steppe zone of temperate latitudes. Less common in burs and oak forests.

  2. Anemone Korzhinsky. Family of buttercups. It is found in the northern part of the Ulyanovsk region. It is also common in Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

  3. Squat birch. It is extremely rare, and only in some places of the region. The height of this shrub reaches one and a half meters.

  4. Peony leafy. It is practically not found in the Ulyanovsk region, only in the south of the region in small quantities.

Interesting Facts

For the first time, the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region was published in 2004, then it was reprinted in 2008. Finally, in 2015, the third edition was published, which today is the final one.

The reissue of the Red Book once every few years is a very important moment, which allows you to visually evaluate the results of work on the conservation of rare species and the ecological situation prevailing in one or another territory.


Environmental problems

The main environmental problem in the region, as in many other regions of the Russian Federation, is the destruction of the natural habitat of plants and animals of the Red Book of the Ulyanovsk Region (photos of some representatives of the flora and fauna listed in it can be seen in the article).

The development of the steppe zone, deforestation, environmental pollution - all this negatively affects the ecosystem of the region, which is why some animals and plants are on the verge of extinction.

Despite the fact that the authorities of the country and especially the region are actively working to preserve species diversity, the situation as a whole leaves much to be desired. With each reprint of the Red Book, more and more species fall into it, which indicates a negative tendency to save living things.