
Refat Chubarov: Chairman of the Majlis in exile

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Refat Chubarov: Chairman of the Majlis in exile
Refat Chubarov: Chairman of the Majlis in exile

Video: Tatar Nation: The Other Crimea 2024, June

Video: Tatar Nation: The Other Crimea 2024, June

Refat Chubarov, whose biography will be described below, is a Ukrainian politician of Crimean Tatar origin, a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. He built his career on his national origin, headed by the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people created by him. After the entry of Crimea into Russia, he began to wage an implacable struggle against occupation, which is why the photos of Refat Chubarov appear among the wanted criminals by the Russian investigating authorities.

Soviet period

The future chairman of the Mejlis was born in Samarkand in 1957. His family was one of the many Crimean Tatar families deported to Central Asia in 1944. In 1968, together with his parents, he returned to his homeland, where he studied at a local vocational school. Having mastered the noble profession of a mason, Refat worked for some time on construction in Transnistria, then served in the army.

In 1977, Refat Abdurakhmanovich Chubarov entered the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute, whose walls he left in 1983. By distribution, a native of Samarkand ended up in Riga, where he worked as an archivist at the Central State Archive of the Latvian SSR.


Not the last place in the subsequent dizzying career of Refat Abdurakhmanovich took a successful marriage. The cold-blooded Baltic maid Ingrida Valtsoone, whose father held a high post in the republican administration of the all-powerful KGB, became the chosen one of the ardent Crimean Tatar. Be that as it may, soon in the biography of Refat Chubarov there was a sharp turn, he became the director of the republican archive, and during the times of perestroika he successfully took up politics, becoming a member of the Supreme Council of Latvia.

Eternal wrestler

At the turn of the nineties, the pragmatic archivist realized that the Crimean Tatar origin could become considerable political capital in the new realities. He works in the State Commission on the problems of the Crimean Tatar people, and after the collapse of the country he returns to Crimea.

Since 1994, Refat Abdurakhmanovich Chubarov became a member of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, for some time in the mid-nineties he even worked as deputy chairman of the Crimean parliament. However, the main activity of the politician continues to be connected with the problems of deportation and return of the Crimean Tatars.


He heads the standing commission on national politics and the problems of deported peoples.

Shadow power of the peninsula

Being one of the leaders of the Crimean Tatar diaspora, Refat Chubarov did not stand aside from the organization of land seizures on the territory of the peninsula. Radically-minded young people blocked roads and arbitrarily seized land, placing illegal structures on them.


A well-organized and united movement was not subordinate to the representatives of Kiev, unless the regular army could cope with the wards of Chubarov. However, it didn’t come to direct military clashes, the central authorities fawned on Chubarov for the sake of the votes of the Crimean Tatars and continued to seize land, not only for building houses, which would be at least somehow morally justified, but for conducting commercial activities.