
Rivers in France: description, meaning

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Rivers in France: description, meaning
Rivers in France: description, meaning

Video: How to Pronounce Seine River? (CORRECTLY) 2024, July

Video: How to Pronounce Seine River? (CORRECTLY) 2024, July

France has a unique geographical location - from all sides it is protected from external elements, due to which it delights the heavenly corners.

Among the amazing fabulous beauty stretch no less delightful rivers. There are many in France. But first, a little about the geographical location and the magnificent mountains.


Locations: mountains of France

In France, there are such famous mountains as the Alps (they stretch south for 370 km from the north) and Mont Blanc (altitude 4807 meters). The latter has the highest peak in Europe.

The most dense forests grow in the Jura Mountains, located next to the Alps.

The Pyrenees are the unique natural border of France with Germany and stretch from west to east for 430 km (the height reaches 3, 000 meters).

In the center of the country peaks of Puy-de-Sansy rise (height 1886 m). In these areas beautiful rivers in France begin their long journey.

Moreover, there are mountains that divide the country into different climatic zones. These are the peaks of Cévennes (the western regions have a humid climate, the eastern ones have a drier climate).

There are also the Vosges mountains (altitude approximately 1400 m) and the Ardennes (not higher than 700 m).


Almost all rivers in France begin in the Central Mountain Range and flow out to the Mediterranean Sea or to the Atlantic Ocean.

The sources of the Garonne River (length - 650 km) are located in the Pyrenees of the state of Spain. In France, it flows through Bordeaux and Toulouse and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Its main tributaries are Law, Tarn and Dordogne.

The most full-flowing is the magnificent Rhone with a length of 812 kilometers. She has an interesting nickname because of her troubled current - the "angry bull." It originates from the Rhone Glacier in the Swiss Alps. Its largest tributaries are Isere, Sonna, and Durance. It flows through the famous fabulous Lake Geneva (Switzerland).



All the rivers of France are beautiful in their own way. But the most important river in France, the most famous and beautiful, is the Seine (775 km long). Translated, its name means "calm." It flows along the flat regions of the country, having a widely ramified system. Its right tributaries are Marne and Oise, and the left is Yonne.


Amazingly calm river provides the movement of many ships between the cities of Rouen and Paris.


The longest is the river, which has a very beautiful name. It is also the largest in all of Europe in the west of the Rhine, the most unique and beautiful of all European rivers. Its pool has an area equal to the territory of England or Italy.

Its length is 1020 kilometers. It is rightfully the longest river in France, with its origins in the Central Massif. However, shipping is developed only in the lower reaches of the river. The most full months for her are December and January (the volume of water increases by about 8 times). Its shores are of great value due to the presence of white limestone, used for the construction of temples and palaces.

Previously, important trade routes passed along this river, and it was called the Queen River.

Traveling along this delightful beauty of the river gives you the opportunity to enjoy the fabulous landscapes of its banks, where you can see luxurious ancient medieval palaces with unique architecture and curious history.


A little more about Laura

A distinctive feature in comparison with other rivers not only in France but also in Europe is its peculiar course. It is either fast or slow. Sometimes its waters are collected in huge streams, and then again spill over numerous sleeves.

The river is also rapids, but this does not interfere with its use for navigation. On it, back in the Middle Ages, Mediterranean goods were transported to England downstream on special rafts-barges, which were subsequently disassembled into the forest. On the way back, goods were transported already by land.
