
Gardener Pavel Trannua: biography, books, recommendations and reviews

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Gardener Pavel Trannua: biography, books, recommendations and reviews
Gardener Pavel Trannua: biography, books, recommendations and reviews

Pavel Trannua is a popular domestic gardener and publicist. In Russia, he publishes many works devoted to work on the earth.

Gardener Biography


Pavel Trannua was born in 1963. He has famous relatives. His grandfather is the Soviet poet Sergei Vasiliev, the author of poems, which were then composed songs. The most famous - "White Birch", "Affectionate Girl", "Road" and others.

The aunt of the hero of our article is the popular actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva. In the humorous TV show Zucchini 13 Chairs, she played Mrs. Elzbiet, in Straw Hat, Madame Anais Bopertuy, and in the film adaptation of Anna Karenina, Sergei Solovyov, Vronsky's mother.

Education Trannua


Pavel Trannua studied at Moscow State University. He graduated from the faculty of soil science. While still a student, he began to engage in journalism. This became the basis of his future journalism career.

He began to build his career in the Book Review newspaper, which highlighted the problems of modern literature and spoke in detail about the most outstanding novelties in various genres. At the same time he was engaged in translations, wrote reviews of natural science works.

In the early 90's. Pavel Trannua was entrusted with a large-scale project. He became the literary editor of the first ever Russian translation of the cult book of the famous French writer Marquis de Sade, One Hundred and Twenty Days of Sodom.

First publications


Pavel Frankovich began publishing his own works of Trannua in 1999. The debut was the brochure "How to overcome weeds: a new look at gardening practice." It was with her that he began his active work in the field of literary gardening. Soon, a well-known nickname "garden guru" was assigned to him.

Gardener Pavel Trannua in many of his works seeks to instill in readers an interest in modern trends in the development of gardening. In particular, we are talking about biotechnology. They are aimed at obtaining a large crop. At the same time, chemical fertilizers are not needed.

Trannua himself is developing authoring methods to improve fertility for “heavy” soils or land on which no one has worked for many years. Thanks to Trannua, even peaty, swampy, saline, and sandy soils become fertile in the place where industrial developments existed. The list of the author’s main books to which this article is devoted includes “The Garden and the Garden for the Lazy, ” “The Handbook of the Gardener and the Gardener, ” and “The Garden and Self-Healing.”

Hobby for gardening


Trannua became interested in gardening when he went to kindergarten. He raised his first cucumbers in 8th grade. At that time it was a huge achievement for him. The hero of earth appeared in the hero of our article, even though the education he received did not have this. He studied at a French special school, and then at one of the country's most famous and prestigious universities.

Crop production was associated with his work after high school. He worked in a trust for landscaping the city of Moscow. Then he worked in private firms and enterprises in different regions of the country. After that, for three and a half years he worked as one of the editors in the journal Garden and Vegetable Garden. It was there that he received the basics of knowledge, which in the future allowed him to become a well-known publicist specializing in gardening topics.

Self healing technique


At the same time, Pavel Trannua, whose books are devoted to advice to gardeners, has one more talent. He develops techniques for self-healing. One of his most famous works of this cycle is Garden and Self-Healing.

Also there are his works "Self-healing through attention" and many others.

Gardening for the lazy


One of the most famous and popular books of Paul Trannua - "Garden for the lazy." In it, he gives practical advice to those who want to regularly receive crops from their own beds, but are not ready to spend a lot of time and effort on this.

This book contains a thousand tips, this is immediately reported on the cover. Trannua teaches its readers how to determine if the soil is fertile, work less physically, give garden tips and share garden tricks.

The essence of this book is that everyone can successfully cultivate their own garden and vegetable garden. The main thing is to make your work not perceived as hard labor, but only to please you. And work, and their results. Trannua claims that there are many simple ways that can save you time and effort. And at the same time, all the neighbors will envy efficiency. Of course, you need to monitor your economy. But if you follow the advice of Trannua, then even those who have never encountered gardening before will be able to protect plants from all kinds of diseases and protect from dangerous pests. The main thing is not to forget to take care of the soil. After all, on what land you grow your vegetables and fruits, it will depend on what result you get from each garden.

What makes this book unique is that the hero of our article suggests achieving practically phenomenal results without using pesticides and other chemicals. He, a gardener with 35 years of experience, is convinced that this is reality. If you start to strictly follow all the tips, you will get an exclusively environmentally friendly product in your beds.

This book will be a good help for all gardeners and gardeners, as well as for those who advocate only for proper, healthy and natural nutrition.

Trannua books recommend to friends

For those who have a personal plot, books by this author are a great gift. Indeed, if you adhere to the recommendations, they will help to avoid most of the common mistakes made by both experienced and novice gardeners.

One of the most popular is the book "Strawberry Without Mistakes" by Pavel Trannua. It turns out that the key secret to the successful harvest of this berry is hidden in a host of details. You need to be a real expert to successfully grow strawberries. To know which variety is suitable specifically for your soil, how to feed the plant, how to make the berries become large, tasty and healthy. And also in what place of the garden it is best to place plantings and how often to water.

Trannoy himself is a true strawberry expert. Moreover, he categorically does not accept any chemistry at his site. Moreover, he managed to develop an author's method of year-round cultivation of this berry in central Russia.

Thanks to this book, you will be able to cultivate several varieties of sweet strawberries at once on your personal plot. The main method that Trannua suggests using is cross-pollination of plants with bees. Thus, the berries become resistant to disease and stronger than when you grow single varieties.