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The world's largest head no longer belongs to China

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The world's largest head no longer belongs to China
The world's largest head no longer belongs to China

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Video: Woman’s 20-Year-Old Cyst Finally Gets Popped 2024, July

It has long been established that the size of the head, like the brain, is not related to intellectual development. Nevertheless, people do not cease to be interested in who owns the world's largest head.


The exact answer is unlikely. Not every person with a big head tries to get into the Book of Records.

The largest, but not "big-headed"

It is also interesting that the largest head in the world belongs to far from the largest person. So recognized Ukrainian Leonid Stadnik. His height (253 cm) and palm (31 cm) are recognized as the largest in the world, but his head is consistent with the proportions of the giant's body.

Record holder or unhappy person?

So who owns the world's largest head? The holder of the record is a resident of China. Unfortunately, this fact does not bring him joy, because the gigantic size of the head is a consequence of an incurable genetic anomaly. A disease transmitted by parents is called Recklinghausen's disease. In the nerve tissues of a person affected by an ailment, numerous tumors begin to develop. Growing, they increase in size and over time lead to a change in bone tissue.


Non-cancerous tumors can grow in different parts of the body. But the Chinese, Huang Chunqai, were no luckier than anyone else. The largest head in the world is nothing more than a huge tumor located on the skull. For a long time, the man could not be helped, so she grew to 15 (according to other sources, up to 23) kilograms. She changed the bone structure of the skull, covered one eye and the ear of the poor fellow. In order to see at least something, a person who is known in the world as an “elephant-man” had to support an overgrown growth with his hands. But that is not all.


It turns out that an inhumanly huge head "went" to a man whose height is only 135 centimeters (normal for representatives of China).

Naturally, the patient was given surgical assistance. The operation to remove the growth lasted more than 60 minutes. A dozen specialists operated on an amazing young man. Immediately after removal, the growth was carefully measured. The perimeter of the tumor exceeded a meter, length - 57 centimeters. It turns out that the largest head in a person born of healthy, as it seemed, parents began to grow at four years old. It was at this age that the first tumor was noticed in the boy. She grew up all her life, and the doctors decided to remove her when the patient was 31 years old. The doctor who operated on the unfortunate said the main difficulty was that the growth was near many vessels and nerve centers. The doctors did fine. Huang Chuncai no longer owns a record head, he is healthy, quite happy and does not grieve at all about losing the “title”.