
The darkest castles in Europe: a brief description, legends and interesting facts

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The darkest castles in Europe: a brief description, legends and interesting facts
The darkest castles in Europe: a brief description, legends and interesting facts

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There are a huge number of castles in the world that you won’t be given much pleasure in looking at. They are known for their eerie stories of ghosts, vampires and other evil spirits. We offer you to get acquainted with the darkest castles.


This ancient building is located in Romania and is the place where the cruel Count Dracula, Vlad Tepes, once lived. Of course, the gloomy place was made a real tourist brand, guests from all over the world strive to get into the Carpathian gorge to walk along the long corridors of this frightening building.

Bran’s story is this: in the 14th century it was erected as a defensive fortress, which was facilitated by the convenient location - on top of the mountain, from where a view of the surroundings opened. A small well in the courtyard, as legend has it, is a disguised entrance to the network of underground corridors.

But this gloomy castle is best known for its connection with Dracula. It is believed that the mighty ruler of Carpathia spent some time here. In addition, it was Bran who best survived from all the buildings associated with the name of Tepes. However, we note that the building, really creepy and inhospitable, is a promoted brand, and not a real lover’s residence, put on a stake and bricked up alive. There are a lot of vampire paraphernalia and torture tools, a very atmospheric design, which is why Bran is considered one of the most terrible places on the planet.



Meet the darkest castle in Ireland. This is Charleville, surrounded by a halo of legends and legends. It was abandoned for a long time, and when trying to start restoration work, repairmen began to complain that some otherworldly forces were constantly hovering around them. There is evidence that several people observed the spirit of a young girl who died tragically in the castle walls. Noticed here and other ghosts.

Charleville is not among the advertised, it is not shown on television, but this place remains one of the most creepy.

In the video you can look at the walls of the castle and find out some more facts about it.



This is not just a well-preserved example of medieval architecture in Germany, but also a terrible place covered with legends. The monumental structure is located in the thick of the forest, not far from the delta of two rivers. And, despite the picturesque location, the castle looks gloomy.

Initially, like Bran, Eltz served as a defensive structure, but later became the residence of noble persons. It is believed that not a single invader was able to destroy the palace just because a powerful army of ghosts stood up to defend its walls. The structure is also interesting in that its architecture harmoniously intertwines the features of different styles.
