
Sergey Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov: business partners or lovers?

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Sergey Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov: business partners or lovers?
Sergey Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov: business partners or lovers?

Talk about the sexual orientation of singer Sergei Lazarev has been going on for a long time. Many blame him for homosexuality, and his novels with women are considered fictitious. The artist himself repeatedly denied them, but immediately added pepper for discussion. What was only worth the news that he has a little son born of a surrogate mother. In addition, Sergey Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov (his business partner) constantly appear together everywhere, including in the pictures in their profiles on Instagram. So users have long called them a couple, despite rebuttals.


Partners in business and in life?

Sergey Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov met almost three years ago. Together they opened a pastry shop with desserts for cats and dogs called Poodle Strudel.

Kuznetsov was immediately christened a boyfriend of Lazarev. He, by the way, is the CEO of an airline that offers wealthy customers private jets anywhere in the world. In addition, the man became the gender of the confectionery.

They spend a lot of time together: they travel, go on tour and, it seems, even live. There is information on the web that they are renting a luxurious mansion in the Moscow Region.


Birth of a son

When Lazarev showed his son Nikita to the world, it only fueled heated discussions about his non-traditional orientation. After all, the boy was born from a surrogate mother.

They began to notice Sergey Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov on walks with their children and in supermarkets, where those, like an unconventional family, bought food on the weekend. In addition, after their next vacation abroad, Lazarev arrived with a wedding ring on his right hand. The same decoration was discerned on the businessman’s hand. Coincidence?

But Lazarev himself in an interview refuted the rumors, noting that he was not married to anyone and in the near future did not intend to tie the knot.


Novels with women

Lazarev for a long time had an affair with Lera Kudryavtseva. To many, this seemed a mutually beneficial PR. However, the singer himself assures that they had everything for real, and they had to leave because their relationship was at an impasse. Like, you had to either marry or leave. The stars chose the second option and remained just friends.

Lazarev and Ani Lorak have many pictures. Some joke that the singer on Instagram has more posts with Sergey than with her own husband. But with her, the artist is just close friends. In an interview, the singer noted that he considers Carolina one of the most beautiful women on the stage, but to withdraw from the family is not for him. By the way, if earlier Sergey said that he was married on stage, now he has disowned this cliche. He told reporters that he was in a relationship, but, of course, did not give names.


And where is Butler?

Before everyone started talking about the fact that Sergey Lazarev and Dmitry Kuznetsov are a couple, the singer managed to light up more than once with his then concert director Mikhail Dvoretsky. They also attributed a stormy romance. The phrase "concert director" was very convenient - it was possible to justify their cohabitation and constant pastime.

Yes, that's just there was a lot of unsaid and suspicious in all this. When Lazarev left the Smash band, they did not want to take his songs on air. It was then that the rich lover Butler peered. They were together even during the pseudo-novel with Kudryavtseva - they rested, for example. True, Mikhail mercilessly cut out of photographs, but the originals are already on the Web. So there is no doubt. They broke up more than four years ago - Sergey became such a star that he ceased to need the services of a "concert director". Then there was a lull, and then two loneliness met - Dmitry Kuznetsov and Sergey Lazarev.