
Sergey Sergeevich Bodrov: biography, filmography, photo

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Sergey Sergeevich Bodrov: biography, filmography, photo
Sergey Sergeevich Bodrov: biography, filmography, photo

Sergey Sergeevich Bodrov is a famous actor and director who died tragically at the age of 30 as a result of an accident. During his short life, this talented man managed to do a lot. On his account several bright roles, he established himself well as a director and screenwriter, managed to visit and television presenter. What is known about the life of a guy whom most fans knew as Danila from “Brother” and “Brother 2”?

Sergey Sergeevich Bodrov: biography of a star

The boy was born in December 1971, there was a joyful event in the family of a famous director and art critic. The child was named after his father, whose name is known to any fan of domestic cinema. From an early age, Sergey Sergeevich Bodrov appreciated the opportunity to be alone, indulging in his thoughts. This does not mean that the child had problems in relations with peers, the outgoing Seryozha did not have a lack of friends.


It is curious that Sergei Sergeyevich Bodrov in his childhood did not dream about the acting profession, the boy did not see himself as a director either. According to the memories of the parents, the child at one time intended to become a driver of a garbage truck, and not of any, but certainly orange. In school years, he practically did not stand out from the crowd of peers, did not skip classes and did not conflict with anyone. Teachers, describing Bodrov, note the excellent sense of humor that he possessed.

Sergei Sergeevich Bodrov spoke fluently in French, learned back at school, received a diploma from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. Labor experience of “Danila” is able to surprise his fans: school teacher, beach lifeguard, pastry chef, reporter. However, fate still prepared for him a different profession.

Movie debut

The world of cinema Bodrov Jr. had the opportunity to explore from the inside, while still a schoolboy. For the first time, he played a cameo in the drama "SIR", shot by his father. In this film, Seryozha got the image of a young offender, he appeared only for a few seconds, dressed in a gray robe. As a student, the guy again played in his father’s tape, the second for him was the film “The White King, the Red Queen”, in which he tried on the image of a messenger doorman.


Of course, these were not the roles due to which Sergey Sergeyevich Bodrov became a celebrity. The filmography of the aspiring actor only in 1995 acquired a film project, thanks to which the audience learned about it. It was a melodrama "Prisoner of the Caucasus", shot by his dad. Critics were delighted with the game of a 24-year-old boy who does not have a special education. They said that he even outplayed his colleague Menshikov.

The character of Sergey in this picture is the first-year soldier Ivan, who, by the will of fate, was brought into a flaming Caucasian cauldron. Bodrov Jr. received several honorary awards at once, among which was Nika.

“Brother” and “Brother 2”

The role of Danila, which became the actor’s calling card, was directly offered to him by the director of the drama “Brother” Balabanov, who independently wrote the script for the film. The audience was delighted with this film project, they began to call Sergey “the face of the generation”, which, by the way, he did not like. Phrases from the movie by fans are still quoted.


It is curious that the critics liked this tape much less than the "Prisoner of the Caucasus", in which Sergey Sergeevich Bodrov had played before. The biography of the young man testifies that they spoke very disapprovingly of his hero Danila. The actor was accused of not being able to get used to the image of a provincial kid who found himself in the capital. And also in the fact that he did not manage to show the changes in the character's character that occurred closer to the ending of the drama.

Negative reviews did not prevent Balabanov from filming the continuation of the story in which Bodrov again received the main role. After that, the status of the sex symbol was finally approved for him.

Other interesting projects

The above describes far from all the entertaining roles that the actor managed to play. Fans remember him in other paintings: “Bear Kiss”, “War”, “East-West”. His image was especially successful in the film "East-West", where he portrayed a guy from the 50s, fascinated by a charming French neighbor. Sergey Bodrov also played a lover in the picture “Bear Kiss”, a photo of the actor in the image of this character can be seen below.


He tried his hand at Danila as a director, having shot the drama Sisters, to which he independently wrote the script, spending only two weeks. The main characters are half-sisters, whose calm life ends after the father leaves prison. In one of the episodes of the film, Sergey appeared as an episodic character.