
How many ticks live and where exactly do they live?

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How many ticks live and where exactly do they live?
How many ticks live and where exactly do they live?

Video: How Ticks Get On You & Where They Lurk & How To Prevent Ticks 2024, July

Video: How Ticks Get On You & Where They Lurk & How To Prevent Ticks 2024, July

People are mainly afraid of forest ticks, which are often carriers of dangerous diseases (dust and scabies) and which also cause health problems. While on vacation in the woods or in the park in the spring and summer, many run the risk of bringing unwanted “passengers” on themselves or their clothes. Ticks attack animals even more often. This is especially true for dogs and livestock grazing in the summer. Due to the harm caused to the health of humans and animals by these insects, many are interested in how many ticks live in nature and how much they can be on the body.



The main danger to humans is arachnids, suffering this deadly disease. Encephalitis ticks scare children from school, and for good reason. These small insects live in forests and parks, hiding in the grass and under the leaves, and in the spring, when it gets warm enough, they begin to hunt animals and people, trying to get blood after a hungry winter. Encephalitis is a European tick that lives near human housing and can infect this deadly disease. Since encephalitis is an infection that acts mainly on the central nervous system, they often die or remain disabled from it. It is for this reason that humanity fights with insects that carry it, in all possible ways. Regardless of how many ticks live, they pose a special danger in spring and early autumn, in the summer, these insects generally do not hunt.


Other diseases

In addition to encephalitis, a European tick can infect a person with Lyme disease, borreliosis or hemorrhagic fever. In this regard, not knowing how much a forest tick lives at home, some people, returning from a hike or from a walk, for a long time examine themselves and their children for its presence, fearing infection. In fact, in order not to become infected with any infection, prevention should be done, namely: use suitable, closed clothing, do not visit the park area with small children. After going to the forest or park, it is best to examine each other, and immediately wash your clothes or shake them thoroughly. No matter how many days the tick lives, if it was not found on the first day after going to the forest, either on the body or on clothes, then there is no danger. Those who are constantly in the habitat of insects during the dangerous period are recommended to be vaccinated.


Another type of arachnids that can harm human health are scabies mites. Of course, it is not as dangerous as encephalitis, but still it is not enough pleasant from its appearance on the skin. These are smaller insects (their size is a fraction of a millimeter), parasitizing on the skin and causing itching in animals or humans. Eating a grain layer of the epidermis, insects cause discomfort. At the same time, infection with scabies sometimes does not appear at all, in connection with which the disease can proceed almost asymptomatically, no one knows how much. Ticks live only a few days, but the female is so prolific that literally in a week the entire skin can be affected. Fortunately, getting rid of such “passengers” on the body is quite simple, the main thing is to seek help in a timely manner.
