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A student opens a store and provides free graduation dresses to girls who cannot afford them

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A student opens a store and provides free graduation dresses to girls who cannot afford them
A student opens a store and provides free graduation dresses to girls who cannot afford them

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A graduation gown is a kind of pass to a farewell party. At least graduates in England think so. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it. Student Ellie Eluise found a solution. Now everyone can attend the most important ball of their life!

Hidden problem

Ellie Eluise is an ordinary student from the UK. Once she watched a documentary about a girl who did not go to her own prom. Her family did not have money to pay for the dress.


Ellie began to delve into the situation and found that this is a real problem for many teenage girls in the UK. Graduation is expensive primarily due to the purchase or rental of dresses. If there is not enough money, the girls simply do not go to the prom, skipping an important event in life.


The reason girls miss proms struck Ally. She immediately decided that it was time to change the situation, because graduation was an important evening in the life of every person. Especially if you are a girl and dream to shine at least one evening.


In 2015, a student began to buy ball gowns at thrift stores and second-hand stores. For this, she spent the money presented to her on her birthday. After acquiring a set of 15 dresses, Ellie created a charity that began lending outfits to girls for free.


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Now Ellie is the owner of a store in which they do not take money for a dress. It is called PromAlly, it works full time, and in its assortment of 3000 dresses for every taste, any of which a teenager can lend to graduation.

Ellie believes that everyone should be able to attend their own graduation, and no money should prevent this. Giving out dresses for free use, the girl solves the problems of several people at once.

Firstly, a teenager can attend his own graduation without compromising self-esteem, which is already very fragile in adolescence. Secondly, parents do not feel guilty for not having money for a prom dress. Thirdly, Ellie returns utility to her dress, which has been hanging in a closet for a long time after graduation. And, finally, it helps people to get rid of unnecessary clothes that can make someone else happy.