
Svetlana Rezanova - famous Russian singer

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Svetlana Rezanova - famous Russian singer
Svetlana Rezanova - famous Russian singer

Svetlana Ivanovna Rezanova - Soviet and Russian singer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR and performer of the popular song "White Dance".

Singer Svetlana Rezanova: biography

Svetlana was born on June 9, 1942 in Stalingrad (now Volgograd). Dad worked as a teacher, and mom worked as a doctor. Being small, she already loved to sing and perform on stage, not being afraid of a large audience. In school years she was engaged in amateur art. After graduating from high school, she entered a theater studio in her hometown.

Vocal data put the young performer before a difficult choice: to play in the operetta theater, where she was repeatedly called, or go on a solo pop voyage. After much thought, Svetlana still chooses the stage. Her idols are world stars: Aretha Franklin, Tony Braxton, Ella Fitzgerald.


Music career

The first work of Svetlana Rezanova was to participate in the pop ensemble "Veterok" in Kazan, where she was a soloist. During performances, Anatoly Kroll drew attention to her and soon offered to join his jazz orchestra in Tula. After a while, on tour the girl was noticed immediately by two successful personalities in the music world: the director of the Music Hall Lev Rakhlin and the head of the vocal ensemble Cheerful Guys Pavel Slobodkin.

First, the singer chose "Music Hall", despite the persuasion of Slobodkin to join his ensemble. In the jazz orchestra she lasted only one year, and then moved to the group "Jolly Fellows". What is noteworthy, she came to this ensemble after he was left by the popular artist Nina Brodskaya. And after Svetlana, the adored Alla Pugacheva came as a soloist. There were times when Rezanova even shared her stage costumes with the Diva.

According to Svetlana Rezanova: “When I performed in“ Cheerful guys ”, we often came across Alla Pugacheva on the same stage. Usually, Alla opened the performance with her lyrical song “Thrush”, leaving in the same modest dress. And I and the guys performed at the end with the song “From Dawn to Dawn”. I remember that Alla said in her dressing room that her time would come and she would become famous. Everything was only spinning around the temple, but I believed in it. And so, after several years, when the song “Harlequin” performed by Alla Borisovna was released, she wins the contest “Orpheus”, from which her stellar career begins. ”


Famous songs

In 1974, the singer Svetlana Rezanova pleased the fans with the release of a disc with such songs as:

  • “Fall asleep”, author V. Dobrynin;

  • “One step to love”;

  • "White dance";

  • "Flower Girl Anyuta";

  • "Well, the summer goes on."

The composition "White Dance" has become a hallmark in the musical world for Rezanova.

Dizzying success

Singer Svetlana Rezanova received international fame and recognition in 1972 at the popular Bulgarian song contest "Golden Orpheus" in a duet with Lev Leshchenko. Svetlana managed to get the first prize, and Leo - the third. But the speech of Rezanova was not without scandal. During the performance at the competition, she wore too bold and overt outfit, because of which the singer was cut from the broadcast of Soviet television.


Upon returning from Bulgaria, she chose to continue working in the Mosconcert, but as a soloist of her personal ensemble. She also regularly performed in the restaurants "Arbat", "Labyrinth".

Awards and participation

At the song contest "Bratislava Lira" in Czechoslovakia received a reward, at the "Schlager Festival" in Germany won the second prize, and a year later at the same event received the first prize.

She took an active part in Soviet and foreign television shows:

  • "Blue light";

  • "Motley Cauldron";

  • "6th studio (Poland)."


On the account of Rezanova there are 150 songs. She acted not only as a singer, but also as the author of her poems to compositions.

Svetlana Rezanova: personal life

The artist’s first husband was jazz musician Yuri Genbachev. As the artist herself admitted, in the list of her lovers were Valery Zolotukhin, Karel Gott, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Muslim Magomaev, Valentin Gaft.

With Vyacheslav Dobrynin they worked on the same stage. Their romance spun while studying at Moscow State University. Both had a relationship at that time, but they met periodically.

Soon in the life of Svetlana Rezanova, Valentin Gaft appeared. They broke up when the actor refused her a small request, namely, to lend 2 thousand rubles. This amount Rezanova was not enough to buy a car.


The actor had a relationship with the actor Valery Zolotukhin when he was married to Nina Shatskaya. According to the singer herself, Valera perfectly looked after, gave gifts, but after some time he fled to his current wife Tamara.

In Muslim Magomayev - a colleague in the shop, she fell in love at first sight. Well, how can you not get carried away with such a handsome man ?! A talented, generous and amazing man won the heart of the singer in an instant. Despite the fact that she was married, she continued to see Muslim.

At the moment, Svetlana Rezanova, whose biography is very rich, lives alone, there are no children either. A woman tried a lot of times to have a baby, but nothing came of it. According to Svetlana herself, this is a big tragedy. Now she is lonely and reproaches herself in past years.