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Is wayward good or bad?

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Is wayward good or bad?
Is wayward good or bad?

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Video: Rusty's 10... Okay-est Hollow Knight Charms? 2024, June

On the street you can often hear a young mother chastising her son for being wayward. The little boy is crying: he does not understand such complicated words. With age, the meaning of the word becomes clearer, but for the whole life in the soul a person will have the concept that wayward is bad. Is it really? Let's figure it out.

Meaning of the word

To understand what is good and what is bad, you need to know the very meaning of the word. Wayward is willful, stubborn.


It seems that the meaning of the dictionary is not very pleasant, but it is taken out of context. Here is an example from the literature. I.K. Arkhipova in her work “The Music of Life” wrote: “This girl from the people was direct, willful, did not suffer any violence over her heart, therefore she was honest in her feelings.”

Now everything seems not so bad, but one example is not enough, let's take a look at the second. L. Nikulin in the book "Moscow Dawns" writes "there was not enough patience to work with this wayward and capricious actress."

Is wayward bad or good?

Looking at two examples, it is difficult to conclude. But already on the basis of the above, one can understand that there is nothing wrong with the fact that a person has set a goal for himself and goes to it. Of course, many people will not like this line of behavior. After all, not everyone can find the strength to go their own way. Therefore, they will pull the person and say that he is too wayward. Often such a person can hear the word egoist in his address. It is not synonymous with the concept that we are analyzing, but the words are close in meaning. Few people love self-confident people with a clearly defined life position and their own opinion, which contradicts the public. That is why many consider waywardness almost a sin. Yes, of course, sometimes wayward people can go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted, you just remember Ivan the Terrible. But in our time it is almost impossible to meet such despots, therefore there is no manifestation of willfulness in this form.

Synonyms of the word

Saying about a person who, in your opinion, is wayward, can be synonymous with: masterful, stubborn, rebellious, moody, unbalanced, indomitable.


But still, you need to understand that these concepts already have different shades. The word we are analyzing consists of two parts. The first means "your" and the second - "temper". This is what you need to consider when choosing the wayward synonyms for the word. The best analogue is thought or self-will. These words are closest in meaning. The word freethinking can also be considered synonymous. After all, it is a person for whom public opinion is not in the first place, can think a little differently. Most often, such people are geniuses, because their imagination is not shackled, and thought can develop freely, without encountering any obstacles.
