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Airborne Tattoos: Importance and Features

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Airborne Tattoos: Importance and Features
Airborne Tattoos: Importance and Features

Video: New Viking Bindrune Tattoo 2024, July

Video: New Viking Bindrune Tattoo 2024, July

Army tattoos occupy a special place in one of the most ancient arts. As a rule, they are applied not in professional salons, but directly at the place of service. Features of the master’s work in artisanal conditions make themselves felt: often instead of professional tattoo ink, stationery mascara or a similar pigmenting substance is used. Each military branch has its own distinctive distinctive elements, is proud of them, and respects established traditions. Paratroopers are no exception; Airborne tattoos carry their unique symbolism and unique images. And God forbid to find such a tattoo to someone who did not serve in the Airborne Forces!

Historical excursion

It is noteworthy that the first soldier tattoos appeared even under Tsar Peter I. Later, the Red Army came up with the insignia directly on the skin - they punctured a five-pointed star on the forearm. In Soviet times, army tattoos were banned - it was believed that they could declassify a soldier. In modern Russia, the attitude to tattoos is quite loyal, and even military scouts are allowed to adorn the back and shoulders with the image of a bat.


Symbols of airborne tattoos

The main sign by which it is possible to identify the operator is the open canopy of the parachute. There are frequent images of airplanes and helicopters. As in other branches of the armed forces, symbols such as images of machine gun cartridges, fluttering ribbons with part numbers, army tokens with a blood type and rhesus affiliation are common in the airborne forces. The effectiveness of writing a group and Rhesus is in doubt. The fighters themselves are sure that this can save their lives in case of injury, but military doctors are rather skeptical of these signs, preferring to double-check the information.

Those landing units that are directly related to military intelligence also use the image of a bat for the image.

Often you can meet other animals: tigers, lions, cats, wolves dressed up in landing berets and grinning. The symbol of the skull, sometimes with wings, often becomes another motive for the landing tattoo.

And, of course, the motto “Nobody but us!” Occupies a special place.


Body localization

Most often, you can meet a tattoo of the Airborne Forces on the shoulder. This is not surprising - because in the summertime, this part of the body is often open to the public, and there is plenty of room here - there is where to take a walk. In addition, the figure so favorably emphasizes the expressive muscular relief.

Often, army airborne tattoos adorn the mighty backs of fighters, ankles, necks, wrists. The knuckles and ribs of the palms are not so attractive for applying art, but they are the best place for the laconic inscription "For the Airborne Forces."