
Tatyana Klyueva: biography and creativity

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Tatyana Klyueva: biography and creativity
Tatyana Klyueva: biography and creativity

Tatyana Klyuyeva is a Soviet and Russian actress, best known to the audience for her role as Barbara in the fabulous film by Alexander Rowe “Barbara Beauty, a Long Braid”. What was the actress’s career, how did her personal life develop, in what other films can you see her? From this article you can find a biography of Tatyana Klyueva.

early years

Tatyana Nikolaevna Klyueva was born on August 25, 1951 in Moscow. Since childhood, Tanya was a mobile and artistic child, she went to drama club at school, and life in Moscow allowed her to go to film screenings after class. Thanks to this, the debut of the aspiring actress took place at the age of 14 - she played a cameo role of a schoolgirl in the 1965 film "They Call, Open the Door." In the same year, Tanya Klyuyev was invited to the main role in the children's film "Scuba Diving". After that, she starred in the short film "The Sixth Summer."


Barbarian beauty, long braid

In 1967, Tatyana Klyuyeva passed the test for the role of Alyonushka in the film by Alexander Rowe “Fire, water and copper pipes”. The director liked the appearance and acting abilities very much, but on these tests he could not refuse the star of his previous film "Frost" by Natalya Sedykh. However, he promised Tatyana that in his next film he would definitely remove her.


Whatever, but Alexander Arturovich always kept his promises - in 1969 Tatyana Klyueva was approved for the main role of her career - Barbara-beauty. The film gained incredible popularity, and Tatyana, perfectly coping with her role, became an all-Union favorite. Where she lacked experience and skill, a wave of thick eyelashes above her huge eyes was enough - and the viewer was subdued.


The actress herself later admitted that fame was rather a burden to her - she was very embarrassed when she was recognized on the street, and carefully answered each of the letters that came to her at that time in bags. Feeling responsibility to the viewer, who so elevated the actress, Tatyana decided to get an education and in 1969 entered GITIS.

Personal life

In 1971, a third-year student Tatyana Klyueva came to audition for the film "Officers". While waiting in line, the actress suddenly saw her former classmate and once good friend Dmitry Gagin - he came in a beautiful uniform of a naval officer, looking for Tatyana on purpose. Seeing his former fidget girlfriend on the screen in the image of the stately beauty Barbara, he suddenly realized that he could never live without her again. Tatyana herself burned with reciprocal feelings, barely seeing her old friend. She never passed the test in this film - she went for a walk with a real officer. In the same year they got married, and the next year their son was born, who was named Jan. When Tatyana graduated from GITIS in 1974, they moved to Sevastopol, where the Gagins live to this day. Below is a modern photo of Tatyana Klyueva.


The former actress opened her shoe business. By her own admission, she was very upset by the events in Ukraine in 2014, visiting the Sevastopol roadblocks daily and bringing food there, in particular, pies, which she baked on her own for days. The day of the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation is also special for Tatyana - she still keeps the Russian flag, which was signed on that day by both ordinary people and the military, actors and even members of the government.