
Tim Allen - filmography and biography

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Tim Allen - filmography and biography
Tim Allen - filmography and biography

Video: The Shocking Past of Tim Allen 2024, June

Video: The Shocking Past of Tim Allen 2024, June

Tim Allen is a comedian from God. From very early childhood it was possible to understand that in the future a humorous career was ensured for the boy. According to parents and relatives, any joke of Tim ended with a loud and prolonged laughter. Therefore, the family of the future actor was clearly not bored. We will talk about interesting moments and crucial events in the life of a comedian in our article.


Childhood, youth

Tim Allen was born on June 13, 1953 in Denver, USA. It was difficult for the boy to study at school, and communication with peers did not particularly develop. Classmates always made fun of him because of his lean physique. Tim found a way out of such a difficult situation thanks to his jokes. Even when, at 11, the future comedian lost his beloved father, who died in a car accident, he tried to laugh off the annoying questions of strangers. Humor always helped him. Then the boy could not have imagined that it was his sharp tongue that would bring him huge money and fame.

After school, Tim goes to college, and then to college (in Michigan). Having received the diploma of a television producer, the young man immediately seeks an appropriate position. But unfortunately, does not have time to get to work.



At that time, Tim was offered to sell drugs. In pursuit of easy money, he agrees. Soon his actions became known to the police. Allen has been arrested for 8 years.

In the first year, Tim was quite hard. But again, humor comes to his rescue. Tim can make even the most severe prisoner or guard laugh. For this remarkable quality, he is allowed to create his own criminal entertainment show. As a result, Tim leaves prison after 2 years. Authorities decide that the young man has completely corrected during this time.

After prison

Coming out of places not so distant, Tim Allen, whose filmography is diverse, began to engage in advertising. Realizing that you can’t make a lot of money, the future actor began performing in clubs with humorous numbers. At one of these evenings, he was noticed and invited to star in the series "Turner and Hooch."

The offer, of course, was tempting for him, but the other day a comedian came up with an original idea: to create a parody of a telemarket that sells all kinds of tools. Then came the famous at that time show called "Big Repair".


Fame and money

Thanks to this series, Tim was awarded the Audience Award about 6 times and even earned the Golden Globe Award. The audience adored Allen for his wide smile and ability to joke under any circumstances.

Over the 8 years of the existence of the series, Allen earned a huge amount of money. For only 1 episode of the last season, the comedian received $ 1, 250, 000. It should be noted that he did not spend the earned money, but donated it to charitable foundations for the protection of nature.

After the success of the series, Tim receives offers from all sides. He acts in films, commercials, comedy shows, and also writes scripts for various comedy films.


One of the films that became crucial for Tim and his career is “Santa Claus” (1994). This picture was so loved by the audience that the producers decided to shoot a sequel. After a while, two more parts come out that become no less successful than the previous one. These paintings are still traditional Christmas films for Americans (as for us, “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”).


The next tape in which Tim Allen played is “In Search of the Galaxy”. The comedian played the role of the commander of the starship Protector. As soon as the film began, all Americans literally “stuck” to the screens of their TVs.

In 2006, the audience rejoiced at the new film - “Shaggy Dad”. Tim Allen is here again in his repertoire. Humor, funny situations in which the main characters fall - the main components of this picture.

One of the scenarios, the script of which was written by Tim, is “Crazy Freedom.” This film was released on the big screens in 2010. The tape immediately won the love of the audience, because the comedian himself plays the main role in it. He plays a man who was recently released early from prison. Having gone free, the protagonist has a lot more difficult than behind bars.

Tim Allen - author of books

The comedian has released his autobiographical books. One of them is called "Do not stand too close to a naked man." It should be noted that it was this book that at one time became the head of the New York bestseller list.


Tim Allen, whose photo is attached in our article, was subjected to multiple rumors. Eyewitnesses claimed that the actor was repeatedly fined for driving while intoxicated.

Newspapers every time talk about his exploits on the personal front. Rumor has it that Tim has been seen more than once in treason. Moreover, on the covers of magazines and newspapers each time a new photo of young lovers was shown.

And recently there was a rumor that Tim was seen in one of the drug treatment clinics. Rumor has it that the actor was treated for alcohol addiction.

However, when all these facts were touched upon in an interview with a comedian, he always joked. And to the question of one of the journalists about why Tim constantly makes fun of himself, he answered: "They become a comedian when they can laugh at themselves."

However, loving fans of the actor do not believe the rumors. Many consider Allen a decent family man and a loving father of his daughters.

Personal life

With his first wife Laura Dibel Tim met back in college. The pair held out until 2003. Rumor has it that Laura simply could not stand the constant betrayal of her husband and left him.

However, Tim was not sad for a long time, and in 2006 he met a new passion - Jane Khachdak. Young people met on the set of one of the films. After that, the couple did not part for a moment.


Allen currently has two daughters - Catherine Allen, from her first marriage, and Elizabeth Allen (from the second).