
Shopping centers of Khabarovsk: opening hours, addresses

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Shopping centers of Khabarovsk: opening hours, addresses
Shopping centers of Khabarovsk: opening hours, addresses

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Shopping centers in Khabarovsk are a favorite pastime of citizens: the presence of a variety of cafes, children's entertainment centers and various shops brightens up leisure time. Below is information about the most popular and largest shopping and entertainment centers of the city, as well as about the unfinished shopping and recreation center Happiness, which is still unfinished. Most major centers have cinemas where new films appear at the box office every week.


SEC "Horizon"

The shopping center in Khabarovsk is located at 88 Bolshaya Street. The shopping center consists of 6 floors, where various clothing and shoe stores are located. On the top floor there is an extensive food court area, as well as Limpopo children's entertainment complex and the modern Premier cinema.

In addition to the convenience of the guests, the mall has a children's hairdresser, handicraft shops, a pharmacy and much more. On the 1st floor of a modern shopping center in Khabarovsk, the Samberi grocery supermarket is open daily. It is worth mentioning the spacious indoor parking for 350 cars.


Shopping center operating hours: from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. The cinema is open until 10 pm. Children's entertainment center operates according to the institution’s work schedule. The mode of operation of the shopping and entertainment center may change during the holidays. Up-to-date information is always published on the official website of the Horizont shopping and entertainment center.

TC "On Pushkina"

Khabarovsk Shopping Center “On Pushkina” is located at Lev Tolstoy Street, 19. The complex consists of 5 floors, which are conveniently located for women's, men's and children's clothes and shoes, cafes and restaurants, an entertainment center and much more. Various workshops on cooking or children's entertainment are held weekly.


"Central Department Store"

One of the most popular shopping centers in Khabarovsk is the Central Department Store. It has been working since 2001. The building in which the department store is located is recognized as a monument of architecture and is located in the historical part of the city. It is worth noting that it is planned to build 2 phases of the department store, the new building will join the main building.


On the territory of the central department store opened such stores as L'Etoile, Mango. As well as stores of mobile electronics, women's and men's clothing, a beauty salon, a floristic studio, watch and jewelry repair, gift wrapping. For a bite to eat, check out Gallery Gallery or the Tea Cup Coffee Shop.

Near the shopping center there is free parking (not guarded).

SEC "Energo-Plaza"

The exact address of the mall: Lenin Street, 85. It is one of the largest shopping and entertainment centers in the city, as it is located on an area of ​​22 thousand square meters.

The whole complex occupies 13 floors. Some of which are reserved for office premises. On the 6 floors of the retail space, you can find a food court (food court), as well as a modern children's center (includes gaming machines, a games area, a three-story maze, a creative studio).

For the convenience of visitors there is a parking for 350 cars.

TRC "South Park"

Located at: Suvorova street, 25. The total area of ​​the mall is 25 thousand square meters. It is the largest in the city. It occupies 3 floors. On the territory of the shopping and entertainment center is located one of the largest in the Far East hypermarkets of the Samberi chain, which favorably affects the number of visitors. Opened parking for 1, 000 cars.


The number of entertainments working in the shopping center includes: a cinema with 3 halls, billiards, bowling, a children's center. A large number of cafes are also open. Among anchor tenants are such well-known brands as Zolla, Kari, Kira Plastinina and others.

Shopping center "Summer"

Shopping center "Summer" in Khabarovsk works according to the following schedule: from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Located at 204 Tikhookeanskaya Street, Litera A. On the territory of the shopping center are a pharmacy, clothing and footwear stores, departments with various non-food items. A complete list of stores is published on the shopping center website.

It is important to note that the mode of operation of the shopping center can change during the holidays, relevant information always appears on the official website.