women's issues

Leggy has a lower risk of diabetes: what about a woman by her appearance

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Leggy has a lower risk of diabetes: what about a woman by her appearance
Leggy has a lower risk of diabetes: what about a woman by her appearance

Video: "DIABESITY'- Diabetes and obesity by Dr Alice Ojwang 2024, July

Video: "DIABESITY'- Diabetes and obesity by Dr Alice Ojwang 2024, July

Science has proven that different parts of the human body can talk about intelligence, character and health. Surely you heard about prejudices like: men love blondes most or cold hands signal a fiery passion in bed and the like.

The University of Nottingham conducted an interesting study on how to read some information about a woman only on the basis of her appearance.

Long fingers


It turns out women with long fingers love diversity in intimate life. Testosterone gives women sexual desire, but the same hormone plays an important role in the length of the fingers during the earliest development in the womb. Therefore, long fingers suggest that a woman has male sexual behavior and is probably more promiscuous.

Blue-eyed smarter


Women with blue eyes are more prone to higher education. It is believed that the reason for this is the ability to long-term planning. Although it is not clear why. Those with brown eyes respond faster and are more agile, which means they are more likely to succeed in sports.

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Blondes are better in bed

Women feel more confident when they lighten their hair. They are more open and easily excited, because they feel increased attention from the opposite sex. On the other hand, brunettes are the best choice for a serious relationship, especially since they earn more.

Redheads hate dentists

Women with red pigment are more than twice as likely to delay visiting a dentist. It is believed that they are naturally more susceptible to pain. It has been proven that women with brown hair are resistant to the effects of anesthesia and need a 20 percent increase in dose.

Big breasts mean high IQ

Women with large breasts, on average, gain 10 points more on intelligence tests. It is believed that the hormone that determines the size of the breast is responsible for this.

People with big noses get less sick


They inhale about seven percent less ticks, pollutants, and pollen because they have a more effective filter in the nose. Long noses protect the mouth from inhaling harmful particles, this can reduce the risk of infection.

Long legs mean lower risk of diabetes

With every 4.3 cm in the legs, the risk of diabetes is reduced by 19 percent. The reason may be hiding in the assumption that people with long legs ate healthier at an early age. Also, people with long legs are very independent and self-sufficient. They need a lot of time alone and can even be blamed for being antisocial.

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People with short toes run faster

Short toes help you run faster because they are less used. The longer the bone, the more effort is required to move the joint. People with long fingers are more prone to injury.

Full lips provide long love


Women with full lips are 57 percent more likely to have a long relationship. It is believed that men find them more attractive. Full lips mean youth and health. Indeed, in old age they look shriveled due to the natural loss of collagen.