
Common boa constrictor: photo and description, habitat

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Common boa constrictor: photo and description, habitat
Common boa constrictor: photo and description, habitat

Video: The Boa in My Backyard | National Geographic 2024, June

Video: The Boa in My Backyard | National Geographic 2024, June

Boas are a separate group of reptiles, differing in the way food is taken. During the hunt, these reptiles do not bite their prey. Instead, they entangle the victim and kill with the help of a special choke hold. In the same way, anacondas and pythons are killed by their prey. To date, science knows ten subspecies of the common boa constrictor. Between themselves, they differ in skin color, size and habitat. For all its danger to various kinds of animals, a boa constrictor is relatively safe for humans, it often becomes a favorite pet.

In this article we will consider a photo of an ordinary boa constrictor and tell about the features of its life. Where he lives and what he eats, you will find out by reading it.


Description of common boa constrictor

A boa constrictor is a relatively large reptile. The average length of such an animal is three meters, but there are also five-meter specimens. At the same time, females are larger than males. Their weight can vary from 10 to 15 kilograms. However, science knows individuals of the common imperial boa constrictor, whose weight reached 30 kg. It is noteworthy that the size of the reptile depends on the subspecies.

The body of an ordinary boa constrictor is dense and crowned with a massive head. The color is quite contrasting. The primary color may be green, brown or bright brown. Dark spots pass over it. Their tone can also vary from yellow to black. The color of the common boa constrictor depends on the habitat. For example, the Argentine subspecies has a very dark color, and the Brazilian one has a light, sandy hue.


Sex differences boa constrictor

Male boa constrictors differ from females in smaller sizes. But this is not their only difference. Males have a tail with a thickening at the base. From the anus, it has a cylindrical shape, gradually turning into a cone. At the same time, females have a shorter tail without any thickening.

The main difference between males is their pronounced clawed rudiments of the hind limbs. They are located on the sides of the anus. In females, they are almost invisible.

Where do they live

These large reptiles are quite widespread in the United States and the Lesser Antilles. The lifestyle of the common boa may vary depending on the habitat.

These reptiles prefer to live on tree branches in moist forests, in river valleys and dense bushes. Some southern species live in open spaces.


Boa food

In America, there are often locals who breed these reptiles specifically for rodent hunting. This is no accident, because mice, rats, possums and other small animals form the basis of the ration of a boa constrictor. In addition, these snakes do not mind eating birds and amphibians. Sometimes the largest species of boas even attack antelopes.

If this reptile lives near human habitation, domestic animals and cattle can become its victims. A boa will easily defeat a dog or a pig. During the hunt, the snake grabs prey and encircles it. After this, the rings around the victim begin to shrink and break the bones. Due to this feature, the boa can swallow food completely without fear of damaging the esophagus.

It is noteworthy that when a boa constrictor lacks food, it can swallow even a large turtle. The snake also will not refuse small reptiles and insects. Large locusts, black beetles and lizards represent a real delicacy for a boa constrictor.

Species of this reptile, living on the banks of the Amazon, can swallow very large animals. Such prey can exceed even the boa constrictor in weight. It can be deer, wild boars and even crocodiles.

The boa constrictor, unlike other types of snakes, prefers to hunt at night. This is because the reptile has powerful receptors. Thanks to them, the boa can feel the warmth of the victim over very large distances.



An ordinary boa constitutes puberty in the fourth year of life. The breeding period of these reptiles depends on the habitat and subspecies. The pregnancy of the female lasts up to ten months.

During the mating season, boas hardly hunt. Pretenders for procreation are located near the female. At this time, a kind of fights take place between them. They push and bite each other. When the winner is revealed, he flirts with the female for several hours. At this time, he rubs against her with his body and tingles with rudimentary limbs. The mating process itself can be carried out on the ground or on the branches of trees. It depends on the subspecies of the boa constrictor.

Almost all varieties of this reptile are ovoviviparous. This suggests that during reproduction, they show signs of both live birth and egg production. It is noteworthy that during pregnancy, eggs develop inside the female. She does not make nests and does not lay them as other types of snakes. The whole term she carries them in her womb.

The embryo is provided with nutrition from the egg yolk and is in no way associated with the metabolism of the female. The calves emerge from the eggs while they are inside the mother, and fully formed snakes appear in the light. For 4-5 days they are interconnected by an umbilical cord. Then she falls away.

The number of cubs born can vary greatly: from 5 to 60 individuals. It depends on the subspecies of the boa constrictor. It is noteworthy that newborn snakes from the first days lead an independent life.
