women's issues

Well-groomed woman: the basic commandments. How to become a well-groomed woman

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Well-groomed woman: the basic commandments. How to become a well-groomed woman
Well-groomed woman: the basic commandments. How to become a well-groomed woman

Video: How to Look Put Together | Quick + Tips 2024, July

Video: How to Look Put Together | Quick + Tips 2024, July

Well-groomed woman … What is she? Are there criteria for this definition? What needs to be done to look well-groomed? What are the ways to do this? How to become a lady at 100%?

The desire to be beautiful, well-groomed, attractive, to attract the envious glances of rivals, to arouse admiration in men is one of the cherished desires of any woman. But wanting something does not mean being able to. Many lovely ladies do not know and do not understand what they need to do to look like a well-groomed woman. Let us examine this question. In our article we will consider everything in order.


The commandments of a well-groomed woman

  1. Hygiene and cleanliness. This is undoubtedly the first commandment. The day must begin with a shower and end with water procedures. A clean body, hair and nails are the first things that strike the eye. All people should worry about this. Oily hair, dirty nails give the impression of sloppiness. It is unpleasant to communicate with such a person. This simple truth is taught to us by parents from childhood.

  2. Commandment number two - free time. Every day, a well-groomed woman should find for herself at least one hour to relax and rest, take a bath, do what she loves and take her mind off her household chores. After all, I also want to chat with friends. In order not to look tired, you need to entertain yourself.

  3. The third truth is beautiful nails. You can learn how to do a manicure at home or use the services of beauty salons. Each woman has the right to choose herself. It is important that the nail polish is not cracked. Calm tones and neat nails look very elegant and suitable for any outfit, unlike bright, flashy colors that do not harmonize with all clothes.

  4. The fourth commandment is a pleasant aroma. Every woman should have good, dear perfume. A light, unobtrusive aroma is a sign of grooming. It is important not to overdo it with the quantity, as this can cause a backlash among others. Everything is good in moderation.

  5. The fifth commandment is a hairstyle or hairstyle. She is very important for a woman. It is not necessary to have an intricate hairstyle. It is enough to make a good haircut, make sure that the hair is always clean. Also, if it is not possible to use the services of a specialist, you will have to learn how to do the styling yourself. It is advisable to visit the hairdresser at least once a month to revitalize and shape the haircut.

  6. Commandment Six - clothing style. If a lady appears before us with good styling, well-groomed nails, the right make-up, but in crumpled or stale clothes, this will ruin the whole pleasant impression of her. A well-groomed woman will not allow herself to go out in this form. Every woman should have a classic skirt, shirt and trousers, a black dress, the same trench coat, a beige sweater with a V-neck, a cashmere coat and 3-4 pairs of shoes.


  7. Commandment number seven - down with the extra hairs. All procedures to remove unnecessary vegetation must be carried out on time. Do not forget about hair removal. Legs, armpits, eyebrows should always look perfect.

  8. The eighth commandment is makeup. It must be applied carefully with a minimal amount of makeup. In daytime makeup, the emphasis is not on everything at once. For example, on lips or eyes. Evening make-up can be bright. However, it is worth exploring the color combination map. If you use this knowledge, then your face will look perfect, while the image as a whole will become as harmonious as possible.

  9. The ninth truth is shoes. It should be consistent with style. Shoes should look perfect and cost a lot. After all, absolutely all the people around you pay attention to it.

  10. Commandment number ten is gait. A beautiful well-groomed woman is never in a hurry. She always leaves on time. The lady always holds the posture, does not stoop, does not waddle, but walks in slow motion. Such a fair sex is impossible not to notice in the crowd.

All of the above - this is the 10 commandments of a well-groomed woman. Observing them daily, the lady will always look beautiful, elegant, modern and attractive. These truths are simple. Each of us can fulfill them if he wants.

How to become a super lady?

If the above signs of a well-groomed woman cause doubt in anyone, then they can be supplemented by several other important points. Try visiting the beautician at least once a month for face and body treatments. A spa will also help you look chic. Several times a month it is recommended to visit the solarium. A snow-white Hollywood smile should be in every well-groomed lady. Psychologists say that people who have no dental problems are open in communication, they feel more comfortable and confident.

A visit to a beauty salon and special care are the key to perfect shiny and healthy hair. Well, of course, we must not forget about healthy eating. The diet should contain all the necessary components to ensure the functioning of the body.


Do I really look bad?

Many programs, websites, books, magazines and other sources of information tell about how to become a well-groomed woman, how to perform cosmetic procedures, apply makeup, dress stylishly, etc. All the necessary conditions are created to make lovely ladies look chic. But, despite this, groomed women are constantly found on the streets. The reasons may be different. Reluctance to spend free time on "stupidity." Also, some women do not want to notice their poor appearance. Someone's family, children and work take all their time and energy. Lack of money and other reasons are not the last in this list.

Despite these reasons, this does not justify women who look bad and do not want to care for themselves. Life was given to us once, each of us is the one and only, therefore we need to indulge ourselves. Then the people around you will treat you properly. First of all, you need to learn to love yourself.

My years are my wealth

Mature well-groomed women may look several years younger. People around them see a charming representative of the fair sex in front of them and can not determine her age. Such results are achieved if you provide yourself with proper facial and body care in your youth. It’s a lot harder to look good in adulthood. This requires additional cosmetic procedures and, as a result, cash investments. Despite this, mature women, wanting to feel a second youth, do not spare money and time to take care of themselves.

Proper discreet makeup, the use of cosmetics for the face, body, hands will provide a beautiful look to a lady of any age.


Makeup for a woman in years

When applying makeup, women should consider the features of their skin. The main thing is not to overdo it. A large number of cosmetics are never used by mature well-groomed women, as this will emphasize age-related changes and give the face an unnatural look of the mask. Before applying light makeup, you need to prepare. Moisturize your face and neck. After all, mature skin loses its ability to hold a sufficient amount of moisture and becomes dry. Over the years, many ladies are already determined by the brand and, in fact, care products. If this did not happen, you could not find what suits you, then you need to consult a cosmetologist.

With age, the moisturizer for the face should become more oily. Also, over the years, excess vegetation may appear, which must be removed in a timely manner.

After using a moisturizer, a thin layer of light foundation should be applied. You will not need powder, as it will emphasize every wrinkle. A thin layer of blush can be applied to the cheeks, preferably a cream shade. A contour pencil of gray or dark brown color will give your eyes expressiveness, and a little mascara on the eyelashes will complement your image. Eyebrows can be highlighted with shadows or pencil. On the lips we apply a bold contour pencil of a natural shade. Then use discreet lipstick. With this make-up you will look elegant. It is appropriate for any event.

Passersby stare at them.

Well-groomed women (the photo is in the article) always stand out from the general mass of people. They give the impression of wealth and success. Such women are an object to follow, and for loved ones - an object of pride. A well-groomed representative of the weaker sex would like to see and admire her image. Isn't that what we all want to achieve?

A well-groomed woman can be recognized by several signs: hands with a beautiful manicure, the presence of a pedicure, the absence of excess vegetation on the body, perfect smooth skin, and light tan. Shiny hair, the right haircut and styling, discreet makeup, well-chosen clothes, a straight back and a leisurely walk - all this is an integral part of elegance.


Let's reveal some secrets

Well-groomed women carefully keep their little secrets that help them give their face and body such an impressive look. It is these nuances that help a lady to feel beautiful, attractive and desirable.

  • The first secret is an active lifestyle.

  • The second secret is the absence of bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol adversely affect the state of the body both internally and externally (hair, nails, skin).

  • The third secret is the individual style of dress. In order not to chase a fashion that changes every day, you can create your own unique image that skillfully emphasizes the advantages and hides the flaws. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can turn to specialists for help. The stylist will tell you what things are most suitable for you, how to combine them with each other, etc.

  • The fourth secret is optimism as a position in life. You need to learn how to enjoy the world and give your good mood to all people. Smile and laughter are the key to good mood and success.


Mistakes of “well-groomed” women

Observing all the commandments, learning the secrets and rules of a well-groomed woman, you can not achieve the desired result. Self-confident ladies, believing that they themselves know how to create an image, are often mistaken and look ridiculous. It is better to trust professionals who will choose the right style, make-up, face and body care products. If possible, you can use the services of a stylist. Each master must be a professional in his field. For example, if a woman is immersed in work and has achieved success in it, then those people who are not specialists in this field will come to her for help. Therefore, before dyeing hair in any color, you need to consult with a hairdresser, and not engage in amateur performances. After all, sometimes it is so difficult to achieve the intended result without knowing certain nuances. So it should be in everything regarding personal care. Professionals are better informed about current trends and new products.

Why be beautiful?

Well-groomed women, whose photos are posted on glossy pages, or just met us on the street, are delighted. They make a positive impression on both men and women. A well-groomed appearance is ninety percent success in any business. For example, during an interview for employment, the employer will definitely pay attention to appearance. And if the choice arises, which of the applicants to give preference (and one will have a sloppy appearance), then it is easy to guess which decision the chief will make.

Men are very proud when such a woman is walking nearby. Strong representatives of humanity like the envious glances of competitors.

And the children are always happy when their mother looks like an older sister. By this they love to show off to their peers. Girls always imitate their mother, so from childhood you need to show the right example for self-care.

For the sake of yourself, your husband and children you need to look perfect. And it will keep the man in the incentive. He will have no reason to relax in family relationships, thinking that such an unattractive wife is not needed by anyone, because no one pays attention to her.

Knowing all the signs of a well-groomed woman, keeping herself in perfect shape will not be difficult. Especially when there is a significant incentive for this.
