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The largest Russian flag unfurled in Antarctica

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The largest Russian flag unfurled in Antarctica
The largest Russian flag unfurled in Antarctica

Video: Volunteer unfurls Ukrainian flag in occupied Crimea 2024, June

Video: Volunteer unfurls Ukrainian flag in occupied Crimea 2024, June

On November 4, 2019, the Russian flag was flown over the snowy expanses of Antarctica in the air. This day was not chosen by chance - the tricolor of Russia was lifted into the sky on the Day of National Unity. The important event was organized by the famous clubs in Russia - All Worlds and Night Wolves. 10 people went to the southern mainland so that the flag of their native country was raised above the eternal snows.

Air, Water, Earth, Fire

White-blue-red banner covering an area of ​​more than 1.4 thousand square meters. meters straightened in streams of icy wind over the expanses of Antarctica. Thus ended the project "All Elements", invented by the club "All Worlds".


In the framework of this patriotic and unique project, enthusiasts raised the flag of the Russian Federation over the most severe, but at the same time significant points in the world. The tricolor was deployed in the sky over an ice floe drifting in the Arctic Ocean. He was raised in balloons over Zvenigorod. He soared up over the Kamchatka volcanoes and the waters of Lake Baikal.