
Valeria Demchenko: biography, personal life

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Valeria Demchenko: biography, personal life
Valeria Demchenko: biography, personal life

Video: Сексуальные домогательства в России / Реальные истории жертв из мира спорта и шоу-бизнеса 2024, June

Video: Сексуальные домогательства в России / Реальные истории жертв из мира спорта и шоу-бизнеса 2024, June

Valeria Demchenko is one of the brightest participants in the Dom-2 television project, which for a second was not lost among the more shocking and spectacular “builders of love”. The strong character of this girl is envied by many, and not in vain. The girl from 18 years old began to earn a living on her own and was able to achieve much without outside help. She worked on several jobs at once to provide for her life.


Biography of Valeria Demchenko

Our heroine was born in the winter of 1993 in the city of Lugansk (Ukraine). From early childhood, the girl grew up without a dad, she was raised by her mother and grandmother. From 3 years old, little Lera loved to be in the spotlight and gather people around her.

In school years, Valeria Demchenko was one of the main violators of discipline and never brought home the mark “5”. She did not like to sit behind books and cram what they were asked at school. In parallel with the lessons, little Lera went to a theater studio. There she liked more. Teachers highlighted her talent and beauty, Demchenko was the most artistic girl in the studio.

The fate of Lera

She graduated from the school of Valery Demchenko in 2011. After that, she moved to Kiev and decided to enter the journalism faculty in one of the local universities. Along with this, she made a living as a fashion model and sometimes as a DJ in nightclubs. The charged atmosphere, the attention of people and the parties attracted Leroux so much that she began to think about how to become popular with her.


The first steps towards fame was her participation in the Shopping Goddess program. She also tried to conquer the project "I want to" Viagra "." True, Valeria Demchenko did not become one of the members of the collective, but they began to notice her. After that, she appeared in many more programs and projects.

So, she became a guest of the Studio speaks Ukraine program, where it was about beauty injections. Lera, as you know, did lip repair and rhinoplasty. She, like no one else, knows about all the nuances of carrying out these procedures, their advantages and disadvantages.

Throughout the country, our heroine admitted that from school she dreamed of enlarging her lips and making her nose more neat. Since childhood, she had problems with the nasal septum. Rhinoplasty has helped fix this problem.

Valeria Demchenko in "House-2"

In the spring of 2015, a new page in the life of our heroine opened. She went to the famous TV show "Dom-2", where she gained immense popularity and an army of fans. A bright and effective girl was liked not only by men from the project, but also by the male half of the population beyond its borders.


The girl’s first relationship with the perimeter began with Oleg Burkhanov, but soon they broke up, not finding a common language. The next young man of Valeria Demchenko was Sergey Katasonov. She also did not meet with him for long. The guy was forced to leave the show. Then Lera for a long time struggled for the attention of a man who at that time was paired. Maxim Rozhkov succumbed to the charms of Demchenko, and soon they settled in a room for lovers. A few months later, the couple was accused of insincerity to each other, and they left Dom-2.

Many viewers remembered Leroux as an insane, vibrant and conflicting person who was often at the center of scandals and sometimes even fights. During her stay on the project, Lera won the attention of millions of fans who are now following her life on Instagram.