
Vladimir Boyko - a man with a capital letter

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Vladimir Boyko - a man with a capital letter
Vladimir Boyko - a man with a capital letter

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The biography of Boyko Vladimir Semenovich is a vivid success story. She talks about how a simple guy from the village was able to break into the top of the political arena of Ukraine. About how moral principles overcome greed and pride. About how one person is able to change the lives of others for the better.


Vladimir Boyko: biography of the early years

Vladimir Semenovich was born on September 20, 1938 in the village of Sadki, near Mariupol. His childhood can hardly be called happy. The Great Patriotic War took the best years from a guy. Actually, even after its completion, life did not return to its usual course for a long time. Hunger, devastation and unemployment for several years hung a dark cloud over Mariupol. However, Vladimir Boyko himself admits that this time only tempered him - made him strong and uncompromising.

At school, the success of the boy was very ordinary. In those years, teachers could hardly say that he would achieve dizzying success in life. The only thing Vladimir loved books very much. He read them everywhere: at home, at school and on the street. And the guy often got into fights. But this was not due to the fact that he had a quarrelsome character, but because in his village it simply did not work out in a different way.

The beginning of adulthood

Vladimir Boyko matured pretty quickly. At the age of 17, he already got a job at the metallurgical plant named after Ilyich. Then a very young guy is entrusted with only the simplest position - a pipeline operator. A year later, he quits from there, as he finds another vocation.

A new job is becoming a fishing trawl. This choice was due to the fact that from a young age Vladimir Boyko dreamed of a career as a sailor. In memory of this, he even has a tattoo - a helm on his left hand. But in the end, he could not make friends with the sea. Moreover, in 1957 he was called up to serve in the Soviet Army, after which he had to leave his favorite ship.

Vladimir Boyko returned home in the summer of 1960. Soon after, he again decides to go to work at the plant. Ilyich. And from that moment begins his long journey to the heights of popular and political glory.


The foreman of the metallurgical plant. Ilyich

At the plant, the young specialist was given the position of carver. I had to work in sheet rolling workshop No. 6. It would seem that this is an insignificant detail. But the truth is that Vladimir Boyko spent more than 20 years of his life in this workshop.

Initially, he was a simple worker. Then in 1970 he graduated from the correspondence department at the metal rolling institute and received the position of senior master. Three years later, he rose to the post of deputy head of the production department. And so, in 1976, Vladimir Boyko became head of sheet rolling shop No. 6.

And then his career only went up. In 1985, he was appointed head of the production department, where he quickly increased the number of products. And in 1987, Boyko Vladimir Semenovich became the official deputy general director for production.


The post of general director goes to Vladimir Semenovich in 1990. This was a crucial moment, since the new leader had to pull all production from himself from the “stratum”. The reason for this was the collapse of the Soviet Union. All old contracts and outlets on one day turned out to be illiquid.

But Vladimir Boyko managed to cope with this task. He found new orders, while not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders. Thanks to this, the plant opened a second wind. As the enterprise developed, equipment changed, innovative smelting technologies were introduced, and the quality of products was improved. As a result, the metallurgical plant them. Ilyich became a real giant, sheltered thousands of workers.


Political activity

Vladimir Boyko became interested in politics only because without it it was impossible to manage the enterprise. After all, a plant with multimillion-dollar profit often became the subject of raider attacks, which could be repelled only with great connections and power.

Therefore, in 1994, the entrepreneur became a freelance adviser to Leonid Kuchma. New acquaintances help him to break into the regional council of Donetsk region. Here he has been acting as a deputy for 8 years. And only in the parliamentary elections of 2002, Vladimir Boyko passes to the Verkhovna Rada from the party “For United Ukraine”.

Subsequently, he was re-elected to parliament. First, according to the list of SPU, and then as a member of the Party of Regions.
