
Vladimir Zhirinovsky in his youth - a lifelong presidential path

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Vladimir Zhirinovsky in his youth - a lifelong presidential path
Vladimir Zhirinovsky in his youth - a lifelong presidential path

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Video: Communists outraged over possible Lenin burial 2024, June

Each state should have its own Vladimir Volfovich. Since 1991, he has been participating in the election race for the post of head of state, and now, in 2018, he has been stubbornly aiming for the sixth time as president. Probably the same was Zhirinovsky in his youth: stubborn, persistent, demanding, loud.



A long time ago, during the years of the Union’s existence, Zhirinovsky began his career as an ordinary deputy and achieved certain heights, having once taken the post of head of a faction in the State Duma. But he has a more important goal - to become president. The passionate desire to realize it does not leave Vladimir Volfovich.


He was born in a difficult time in the city where the deportees lived. In 1946, Vladimir was born in Alma-Ata. The war was just over, everywhere ruins, devastation, people had to start building everything from scratch.

He did not know the real father, Wolf Eidelstein. Mom, Alexander Makarov, was Russian. Vladimir took the name of his stepfather when his mother married a second time. The future politician was brought up in the Russian spirit. And his father in 1983 died in Israel in a plane crash.

Zhirinovsky has two brothers and three sisters on his mother’s side, he also has several nephews, one of whom finances the LDPR.


Zhirinovsky in his youth understood that getting an education for a person is the path to success. Nobody needs ignoramuses, and first of all for themselves. In Moscow, where he went immediately after school, he studied Turkish and literature at the Institute of Oriental Languages, international relations at the University of Marxism-Leninism, and the law faculty of Moscow State University was also subdued. Zhirinovsky easily mastered English, German, French and Turkish.


Vladimir Zhirinovsky in his youth worked in the Inurcollegium, by 1990 he had created the LDPR party, fully devoting himself to work in it.

The doctoral dissertation defended by him in 1998 on the topic of the “Russian question” was disputed 10 years later. Allegedly, bribes were used, the commission of the Higher Attestation Commission was bought, but Zhirinovsky managed to defend his doctoral degree through litigation.

His first run in the presidential race ended in bronze - in 1991 he won 8% of the vote, ending up in third place.

The years 1991, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012 are marked by his attempts to lead Russia.

Political Views

A paradoxical person. Ban gay propaganda? He is against it. He believes that it is necessary to switch to vegetarianism, and his party will soon give up meat.

He is against the monarchy in Russia. According to him, any extreme is dangerous, the LDPR is a moderate party based on the struggle for civil liberties and democracy. But experts consider Vladimir Volfovich to be ultra-right - what does it cost to maintain Trump’s position to limit the migration of Middle Eastern citizens to America! If Zhirinovsky is elected president, Vladimir Volfovich "will expel all migrant workers from the country."

He has the opinion about the cessation of financing of foreign states. The judge who made the wrong decision must be executed. If a politician does not fulfill election promises, he must be punished in a criminal manner.


Unpopular actions

In his youth, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky behaved fairly quietly, court proceedings have followed him since 1994, when he won the case against Yegor Gaidar. In 1998, the politician lost in court the NTV journalist Elena Masiuk (apologized for the insults, paid compensation).

Insults and debauchery - his business cards, calm and peaceful Zhirinovsky is unknown to anyone. For this, he often became a persona non grata in some republics, in particular in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

People were outraged by his statements in defense of Hitler, accused of anti-Semitism. But what does he care about someone's opinion?

His assault is a parable of the town. Fights Zhirinovsky in the Duma with representatives of other parties - the norm, well, is it not true men who solve the acute issues? In his youth, Zhirinovsky probably also loved to wave his fists. The late Boris Nemtsov “received” a portion of orange juice from Vladimir Volfovich. Straight in the face. At one of the State Duma meetings, deputy E. Tishkovskaya got it. Zhirinovsky hit the woman in the face, pulling her hair.

Do we remember that? Time smooths everything.

Yes, once upon a time a live politician swear at Bush about the war in Iraq.