
Woody Harrelson: filmography and best actor roles

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Woody Harrelson: filmography and best actor roles
Woody Harrelson: filmography and best actor roles

Video: Top 10 Woody Harrelson Movies 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Woody Harrelson Movies 2024, July

One of the journalists once said that any tape should not be allowed to be viewed by viewers under the age of 18 if Woody Harrelson smiles smugly on the poster. The filmography of the actor, including dozens of paintings, is fully consistent with the image of the Hollywood "bad guy". What film projects with his participation is definitely worth a look?

Actor Woody Harrelson: curriculum vitae

The birthplace of the future movie star in 1961 was a small town located in the US state of Texas. The actor’s childhood can hardly be called ordinary, given that he is the son of a killer, sentenced to life in prison. In his memoirs, the celebrity's father confessed to dozens of murders committed, even declared his own involvement in the death of Kennedy.


Actor Woody Harrelson as killers appears exclusively on the big screen. When the cameras turn off, he turns into a convinced pacifist, defends the rights of animals, encourages society to abandon meat, protects against deforestation. The union of Woody Harrelson with his wife Laura Lowy gave the man three daughters, for whom he became an exemplary father. It was the marriage, which became the second for the actor, forced him to settle down, to love homeliness.

The first roles of Woody Harrelson

The actor’s path to the big movie turned out to be quite long. Talent combined with original appearance are the reasons why the role of Woody Harrelson was given to nobody else by the role in the television series Hello. The filmography of the star includes 8 seasons of the television project, but he continues to dream about serious acting work.

Numerous trials ultimately led to the invitation of the young man to the shooting of the comedy "Wild Cats". In this picture, he happened to work together with the then-popular actress Goldie Hawn.

Woody’s subsequent participation in the Dr. Hollywood film project, where Bridget Foundation became his partner, turned out to be more noticeable. The plot focuses on a talented plastic surgeon, forced to spend several days working as a therapist in a provincial hospital.

The coming of fame

Performances, series, first experiences in big movies - Woody Harrelson has come a long way to success. The filmography of the actor finally replenished with a picture that attracted public interest in him. The role of the future star in the “Obscene Proposal” was negatively perceived by critics, but the audience liked it.


The drama is attractive in its non-banal plot, in the center of which a married couple is experiencing financial difficulties. Woody Harrelson in the future chose unusual roles, but this turned out to be the most non-standard. The hero’s wife has a fan, offering to give her a large amount of money for a romantic date. The character of Woody is forced to agree, since a million dollars is vital for the family.

The brightest role of Woody Harrelson

The next film, critics unanimously recognized as landmark in the life of the actor. His game attracts Oliver Stone, who invites a novice celebrity to participate in the film "Natural Born Killers." The release of the criminal thriller allows him to literally wake up famous - any American viewer can answer the question of who Woody Harrelson is. The filmography has since been enriched with many interesting films, but the story of Mickey and Melori has remained the most memorable of them.


Killers in love with each other set off on a journey together, taking the life of every person they meet. They imagine themselves legendary criminals: Bonnie and Clyde. The bandits are sent to prison, but the couple manages to regain their freedom, continuing the bloody trip.

Oscar nominations

Oscar - a prize that Woody Harrelson has not yet managed to win. The filmography of the actor contains two paintings nominated for the award coveted by all movie stars. One of them was the tape "People vs. Larry Flynt", which saw the light in 1996. Woody's character is the publisher of the most popular adult magazine in the United States. The picture tells about the life of a real person with whom Harrelson spent some time trying to better understand and convey the character of his hero.


The second tape, awarded an Oscar nomination, was released much later - in 2009. This is a messenger, where the actor had to get used to the image of the captain of the unit responsible for informing the relatives of the dead soldiers. The main duty of the hero is the expression of condolences on behalf of the military command.

Comedy with Woody Harrelson

Many viewers who did not like the actor before changed their minds in 2009 due to the release of the comedy “Welcome to Zombieland”. A humorous horror story tells about the apocalypse that happened in the States in connection with the invasion of the living dead. A small team of people survived, which travels around the state, experiencing periodic clashes with zombies. Finally, a safe place has been found - it becomes an amusement park.


“Welcome to Zombieland” is one of the funniest stories that Woody Harrelson participated in. Films with him are often built on black humor, but the horror comedy turned out to be the best in this regard. The character of the actor is a fearless hunter who exterminates the living dead. Harrelson thanked the creators of the picture for the opportunity to surrender to their own inner demons and have a great time on the set. Getting into the role was one hundred percent.

"Seven Psychopaths" is another bright comedy story in which Woody Harrelson participated. Films with British humor rarely go unnoticed by the public, what happened with this tape, which tells about the life of charming crazy people. The star got the role of the gangster Charlie - an abnormal one with experience.