
Nature reserve. What is a protected area? A bit about interesting reserves

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Nature reserve. What is a protected area? A bit about interesting reserves
Nature reserve. What is a protected area? A bit about interesting reserves

Video: What are National Nature Reserves? 2024, July

Video: What are National Nature Reserves? 2024, July

Does everyone know the definition of the word "reserve"? What is a protected area? So, the reserve is a site of a unique territory, which is protected by the state in a natural state. This is done in order to protect the flora and fauna from the harmful effects of man. Reserves, parks - all this is wonderful, and there should be a lot of them!


Let's save the Earth for future generations!

Everyone knows that our planet is really in great danger, and it was we who brought it to this! Too bad to realize, but it really is. It is not known whether our grandchildren will be able to see birds that are still familiar to us, such as, for example, a stork or a crane. In order to at least somehow preserve nature, a reserve is created. What is a lynx, we know thanks to the special protection under which this animal is located. If a reserve had not been created in the territory where they live, then they would have died out long ago.

Remember that it all depends on us! We must do everything in our power to save the environment, because if animals die, people die, everything is interconnected. A unique territory where a completely natural habitat for representatives of both flora and fauna has been preserved is a reserve. What is a sonorous stream, we also know due to the fact that not only living creatures are protected, but also rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, etc.


Yalta Mountain Reserve

It was created in 1973. The reserve covers almost the entire southern coast of the beautiful Crimea, ¾ its entire territory is occupied by forests. An ecological trail was laid in the reserve, which received a very beautiful name - Solar. Its length is about 7 kilometers. High mountain trees grow in large numbers on the mountain slopes. Basically it is pine trees, you can also meet broad-leaved forests, consisting of oaks and some varieties of beech.

Cape Martyan

This reserve is located near the famous Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Compared to its neighbors, it is very small, only 240 hectares. It was also opened in 1973. The main goal of creating this reserve was to preserve this small piece of Mediterranean nature.

A truly unique relict forest is under special protection. About 500 species of the rarest Mediterranean trees grow in it. There is also the only evergreen broad-leaved strawberry tree in all of Eastern Europe.