
Yellow circles on the doors - welcome to an accessible environment!

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Yellow circles on the doors - welcome to an accessible environment!
Yellow circles on the doors - welcome to an accessible environment!

Video: World Alzheimer Report 2020 launch webinar: Design, dignity, dementia 2024, June

Video: World Alzheimer Report 2020 launch webinar: Design, dignity, dementia 2024, June

The yellow circles that appeared everywhere on the doors are not signs of the cult of sun worshipers and are not a warning that the air conditioner is working inside (although such versions of the interpretation take place). Bright signs at the eye level are a guideline for visually impaired citizens, set in public places within the framework of the state program "Accessible Environment", which is designed to make the surrounding area more convenient for people with disabilities to use it independently.


Why exactly yellow

The circles on the doors for visually impaired people could be of another contrasting, bright color. Red, white, orange, green - all these tones seem to a person with normal vision to be easily distinguishable and very noticeable. However, greatly reduced vision is more demanding on signals.

Tools for the integration of visually impaired citizens were developed by OSI taking into account the specifics of physical impairment. It is the yellow circles on the doors that are most noticeable - this is the color that the visually impaired can distinguish from the whole spectrum in sunny and cloudy weather.

Yes, and for holders of keen eyes, prone to not notice conscientiously washed glass doors and enter them in a big way, such a signal will be useful.


Sign placement rules

The centrally launched program "Accessible Environment" was created for the adaptation of people with limited mobility within the framework of the implementation of social state policy.

The document does not indicate exactly yellow circles - it is about contrasting markings with a width of at least 20 and a height of at least 10 cm. However, the OSI suggested just such designations based on common sense and the peculiarity of the disease - various bright stickers can be advertising or information about the institution’s work schedule indistinguishable for the visually impaired, while a single symbol is recognizable and understandable.

The recommendations for installing yellow circles on the doors apply to all public buildings where a person with impaired vision could potentially be out of objective need. This position excludes only individual houses of citizens.

  • A warning sign must be affixed to the active part of the glass door.
  • Marking is made on both sides (it can be two stickers or one-sided).
  • The height of placement is allowed at the level of 1.2-1.5 meters from the floor.

These signs are installed for convenience, not only on glazed entrances. The first and last steps of the stairs, the markings of pedestrian crossings, and the part of the curbs located in places accessible for crossing by a walking person are also marked in yellow.

In addition to color designations, tactile tiles are actively used - having a different relief and reporting the direction of movement, obstacles on the way.
