
Zhvanetsky's wife Natalya Surova. Mikhail Zhvanetsky: wives and children

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Zhvanetsky's wife Natalya Surova. Mikhail Zhvanetsky: wives and children
Zhvanetsky's wife Natalya Surova. Mikhail Zhvanetsky: wives and children

Our today's hero does not need a special introduction. After all, this is the famous satirist writer M. Zhvanetsky, whose biography, personal life and work of which still cause genuine interest among hundreds of thousands of people. We are very happy to share with you information about his person. You will find out where Mikhail Zhvanetsky was born and studied. The wives and children of the satirist will also be named. You can start reading.


Childhood, family and education

M.M. Zhvanetsky was born on March 6, 1934 in one of the most beautiful Ukrainian cities - Odessa. Then the family moved to Vinnitsa region. Zhvanetsky has Jewish roots. Dad and mom of our hero were doctors.

When Misha was 7 years old, the war began. His father was sent to Tashkent. There, Emanuil Moiseevich was appointed head physician in the hospital. The wife and son also came to this city. In Tashkent, Misha studied until the 3rd grade. Then the Zhvanetsky family returned to their native Odessa. Behind our hero is studying at a high school for boys and the Institute of Marine Engineers. He began composing monologues and miniatures in his student days. What then did Misha Zhvanetsky write about? About women, nature, domestic problems and so on.

Creative activity

In 1960, he met A. Raikin. The head of the Leningrad Theater of Miniatures got acquainted with the works of Odessa satirist. Some of them were included in the collective repertoire. In 1964, Mikhail arrived in Leningrad, where he got a job in the theater of A. Raikin. After 6 years, he returned to Odessa. Together with V. Ilchenko and R. Kartsev, he created his own miniature theater. The creative team toured the whole USSR with tours.

Zhvanetsky’s further career was associated with the Rosconcert organization (as director), the Young Guard publishing house (early 1980s) and the Moscow Theater of Miniatures (as artistic director).

M. M. Zhvanetsky is the author of many monologues, which he wrote especially for R. Kartsev, S. Jurassic, Raikin Arkady and other pop artists. Also, our hero has published several books and collections, including “Odessa Cottages”, “A Year in Two, ” “Hot Summer”.

First marriage

Immediately after graduation, Misha Zhvanetsky married a pretty girl Larisa Kulik. The young couple was forced to live in the same room with the mother-in-law.

The woman was sensitive to every whisper and creak of the bed. Something constantly disturbed and revolted her. However, Misha could not even say a word across to her. After all, at that time he was practically a beggar. A talented writer spent days missing at a local port. Soon his life changed. He began to travel around the Raikin cities, offering to get acquainted with his repertoire. And then one day the master acquired from him several miniatures. Mikhail Mikhailovich drank and skipped his first fee (500 rubles). After that, Zhvanetsky’s wife filed for divorce.


He loved Larisa very much, he always indulged in everything. For example, he might not come to the rehearsal if the spouse asks for it. After the divorce, Misha left his native Odessa for Leningrad. And already the ex-wife of Zhvanetsky went to the capital of France - Paris. There, Larisa took up the affairs of a small gallery, inherited from a wealthy uncle.

A novel on tour

In 1964, Zhvanetsky received the post of head of the literary department in the theater of A. Raikin. Soon the team went on a tour of Siberia. In a distant taiga town, Mikhail Mikhailovich started an affair with a woman who became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, Olga. At first, the satirist refused to recognize the child. But later he began to communicate with the matured girl and even invited him to visit in Moscow.

Great Hope

In 1970, our hero returned to Odessa. Zhvanetsky began to cooperate with the local KVN team. There he met a new darling. Nadezhda Gayduk conquered him with natural beauty and high intelligence. She was a graduate of the theater and art school, and in the club worked as a costume designer. Misha literally followed on her heels, showered compliments, wrote down her jokes in a notebook.

A year later, the beauty went to Moscow. But they continued to communicate by correspondence. Serious relations with Michael and Nadezhda began when the satirist returned to Leningrad. The couple lived in two cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg. They were quite happy with that. Lovers did not rush to the registry office. In the 10th year of relations, M. Zhvanetsky and N. Gaiduk had a daughter, who was named Elizabeth. However, their happy family life did not work out. Nadezhda learned that Mikhail has a lover in Leningrad. This has become a fat point in their relationship. Nadia recorded her daughter in her last name.

On TV by blat

After 4 years, Mikhail went to Moscow to build a television career. He was not very much favored. But Zhvanetsky managed to find a loophole. At that time, the head of the Around Laughter program was a very attractive woman named Tatyana. In a short time, Misha managed to win her heart. Zhvanetsky moved to her apartment. The new darling helped the native of Odessa "get through" on television.

Tatyana was ready to scream about her love on every corner. And Mikhail was afraid that someone would find out about their romance.

Fleeting romance

At the same time, our hero started an affair with a woman who worked as a nurse for his sick mother. Regina Ryvkina - that was the name of this lady. She was not young, but loved to walk. Once Zhvanetsky came home in a pretty drink. A mother's nurse decided to take advantage of the situation by seducing Misha.

Soon Regina informed the satirist about her pregnancy. A real scandal erupted, after which the woman quit and left for the USA. After some time, it became known that her son Andrei was born. Regina recalled herself, obliging Zhvanetsky to pay child support.


The next darling of Mikhail also fled to America. He met the pretty Tatar Venus Umarova in Moscow. The girl just graduated from a chemical university and got a job as a teacher. The relationship between the eastern beauty and the writer from Odessa was rapidly developing. Already after a couple of months from the date they met, they began to live under one roof.


Zhvanetsky's common-law wife, Venus, constantly persuaded him to emigrate to the United States. But he did not share her desire to leave the USSR. Mikhail and Venus lived together for 10 years, raised a common son Maxim. And it all ended with the fact that the beloved moved to America. She took the child with her.

Fateful acquaintance

The current wife of Zhvanetsky is Natalia Surova. She worked as a dresser, although she was educated as a hydrologist. How did their acquaintance happen? All details are presented below.


In 1990, in the cottage in Arcadia, owned by the mother of Mikhail, the opening of the Club of Odessa residents. A lot of people were invited to this event. There was also the future common-law wife of Zhvanetsky. 24-year-old Natasha Surova worked as a waitress. She delivered coffee to all the guests. The head of the Odessa Club immediately drew attention to her. As you guessed, we are talking about Mikhail Zhvanetsky. And there is nothing to be surprised at. After all, the girl looked very impressive: a bob haircut, high-heeled shoes, a small dress in black and an elegant red coat.

At the end of the event, the satirical writer approached Natasha to get to know her. One of the guests joked: “Look, this is Zhvanetsky and his wife!” The age difference between them is 32 years. A wise man from the first minutes of communication managed to interest the girl.

Natalia did not even imagine the scale of his personal life. There was no internet access at that time. And the close circle of Mikhail tried not to give out unnecessary information. I must say that his friends immediately took Surova and carefully protected the beauty from various gossip. Probably, they are just tired of the endless love stories of Zhvanetsky. They wanted the satirist to settle down and create a family.

She learned some details from Mikhail's past from his envious and ill-wishers. In this situation, Natasha acted as a wise woman - she did not arrange a showdown and did not ask the writer extra questions.

Zhvanetsky was a gallant suitor. He presented his beloved with flowers, invited him to restaurants and movie theaters. And when their relationship turned six months old, Misha bought Natalya an expensive nutria coat.

Happy family

After several dates, Zhvanetsky suggested that the young darling live together. And she agreed.

The couple was in no hurry to formalize their relationship. In 1995, the common-law wife of Zhvanetsky gave him an heir - the son of Dmitry. The boy received the famous last name of his father.


When Dima was growing up, he constantly asked why his parents were not married. After all, he did not want the people around him to consider him illegitimate. Mikhail Mikhailovich and Natalya constantly found some excuses. And in 2010, nevertheless went to the registry office. They simply signed, not arranging any celebrations. The spouses also agreed in advance that Natasha would leave her maiden name.

How are Zhvanetsky’s everyday life today? He performs part of the work at home, lying in bed with a folder of papers. At this time, his wife Natalya goes about her business: cooking, cleaning other rooms, and so on. She knows that you can not bother her husband at the moment when he composes another monologue.

At the Zhvanetsky houses there are several simulators. This is Michael’s hobby. But recently, Natalia also began to join the training. Misha chooses healthy food - vegetables, steamed fish, lean meat. Very rarely, he asks his wife to bake rolls or cookies.

Children of Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Want to know how the fate of the satirist’s heirs has developed? Now we will talk about it.

Elizaveta, Zhvanetsky’s daughter from marriage with Nadezhda Gaiduk, received an acting education. The son Andrei Ryvkin, whom his mistress Regina gave birth to, became a journalist and political observer.

Maxim lives in the USA. His profession is unknown. And Olga grew up in Siberia. Her mother and stepfather were engaged in her upbringing. The girl graduated from high school, having received the profession of a journalist.

As for the youngest son, he is the pride of Mikhail Mikhailovich. Dima graduated from a gymnasium located in the elite village of Zhukovka. And two years ago a guy entered Moscow State University without any kind of blat. Dmitry is studying to be a psychologist.

Of all illegitimate children, our hero recognized only Maxim and Olga. But he doesn’t even want to talk with Andrey and Lisa.


What M. Zhvanetsky says about women

Here are a few aphorisms from the famous satirist:

  1. A woman is not yesterday’s soup for you. It will not work to warm it up.

  2. Never marry a lady with whom you can live. Choose the one you cannot live without.

  3. Clever thoughts and women never come together.

  4. The scandal does not spoil the representatives of the beautiful sex, but refreshes them. A woman is scandalous and lives. And you say to the men: “So that you die.” And they do it right there.

  5. Women are better than men. They are smarter, more agile and more beautiful. And they manage to live longer.

  6. A woman is a creature who constantly needs love. If you do not know how to love, then sit and be friends.

  7. In theaters, lectures and concert halls, most women are always. And where are the men? Someone on football, someone in a psychiatric hospital, and someone in a hospital bed with a heart attack.

Interesting Facts

From June to October, Zhvanetsky and his wife spend time in his spacious house, located in the city of Odessa.

In 1991, he received the title People's Artist of the USSR. Also, a satirist is a holder of the Order of Friendship of Peoples. In 1999 he became a national artist of Ukraine.


Mikhail Mikhailovich hates hunting. He simply does not understand how people can kill defenseless animals. A fat cat named Maurice lives in the Zhvanetsky’s house. He is lazy and clumsy, but so funny and affectionate.

Our hero is never silent if he does not like something. Friends often invite Mikhail to their premiere performances. For them, he is the main and impartial critic.

In 1991, he starred in the episode of the detective tape "Genius" in the role of himself.

Zhvanetsky, together with his wife Natalia, is engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes, cucumbers and various greens at his site. The satirist also wanted to have pigs and chickens, but his beloved wife opposed this.

Michael loves lush feasts and large companies. The Zhvanetsky house is always happy to welcome guests. For example, Evgeny Grishkovets, Soloviev Sergey, Makarevich Andrey, and Leonid Yarmolnik with his wife Oksana come to them.