
Residents of an Indonesian village thought they had caught a chupacabra, but a surprise awaited them

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Residents of an Indonesian village thought they had caught a chupacabra, but a surprise awaited them
Residents of an Indonesian village thought they had caught a chupacabra, but a surprise awaited them

The mythical creature called "chupacabra" has scared villagers and farmers for centuries. It began as a scary story that parents tell their children. Over the years, the myth has spread throughout the world, and now countries such as Russia, Indonesia, Australia and even the Philippines firmly believe in chupacabra. The name literally means "sucking a goat, " because the creature is believed to feed on livestock.


It came out of the jungle

The last discovery of a potential alien or chupacabra occurred in the village of Borneo, Indonesia at the end of 2017. Residents were scared to death when they saw the animal. The creature was hairless, emaciated, and no one had seen anything like it in the region.


Immediately after several people saw a terrible looking creature, a rumor spread throughout the village that a chupacabra had wound up in the area. This caused a strong panic, as residents did not know what to do next or how to cope with this situation. People saw a creature on a palm oil plantation.

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Scary something

The monster looked weak and scared - it probably did not eat for several days or even weeks. His exhausted appearance did not help - the villagers tried to attack him. One of the men who fought with the animal claimed that the creature attacked them first. German Tutu says: “We were in shock. None of us have ever seen anything like it. One of us hit the animal, and it ran away."


In an interview, villagers confirmed that they beat the animal with sticks and other nearby debris. Some of them even said that this creature does not look like a chupacabra, but like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings. If you think that people who considered this creature a chupacabra or Gollum from The Lord of the Rings are strange, wait until you hear this - some even believed that the creature was an alien.


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