
Animals listed in the Red Book of the Rostov region. Russian desman. Eared hedgehog

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Animals listed in the Red Book of the Rostov region. Russian desman. Eared hedgehog
Animals listed in the Red Book of the Rostov region. Russian desman. Eared hedgehog

Don region is a territory of picturesque nature, where many animals are found, including quite rare ones. Rostov region is located in the south of the European part of Russia. The area of ​​the region is more than 100 thousand square meters. km This article is devoted to animals that are listed in the Red Book of the Rostov region.


The purpose of creating the Red Book

Once upon a time, the animal and plant world of the Rostov region was very rich. But the long-term spontaneous use of natural resources, as well as human activities (city building, agriculture, etc.) led to the fact that environmental conditions began to change, which were very favorable. This, in turn, caused the number of some animals to decrease until their complete extinction.

Such wild animals of Russia as:

  1. Lynx.

  2. Bear.

  3. Jackal.

  4. Tarpan.

The following species began to be found much less frequently in the open spaces of the Rostov Region:

  1. Saiga.

  2. Roe deer.

  3. Eagle.

  4. Kite and others.

A rather large territory is occupied by the Rostov region. The map shows that it borders on the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Voronezh, Donetsk and other regions. The region is rich in rivers, steppes, forest stands and other favorable factors for the life and development of many animal populations. But still, there are no more representatives of rare species.

In order to preserve endangered animals and plants, they are listed in the Red Book, after which they are under state protection. If in the region there are no more than 1000 individuals of this species, then it replenishes the list of the Red Book of the Rostov region. Everyone can get acquainted with rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, and also contribute to the preservation of the environment.


The main causes of extinction of animals

As mentioned above, the most important reason that the wild animals of Russia disappear is the life of a person, but not only. The fauna is becoming more vulnerable due to the following activities:

  1. Plowing of virgin and fallow lands.

  2. Reducing the natural forage base.

  3. The use of pesticides.

  4. Overgrazing.

  5. Watering the steppes.

  6. Household waste pollution.

  7. Poaching.

  8. Negative attitude towards some species of animals, such as bats, for example.

  9. The displacement of one animal species by another from its habitat.

Due to the fact that people cut down forests, pollute water and soil, drain swamps, animals find themselves in unusual, and sometimes difficult situations, and therefore many simply die out, as they do not have time to adapt to new living conditions.


Red Book of Rostov Region

Rostov Region is a land of unique nature. The creation of the Red Book is a step towards the formation and restoration of the biological diversity of the region. The Red Book of the Rostov Region is a regional version of the Red Book of Russia. After all, not only the animal and plant world of our country must be protected. The nature of the Rostov region also needs protection. Now rare, endangered animals and plants of this region will be protected by law. The Red Book of the Rostov Region was published in August 2003 in two volumes:

  • Volume I - "Animals."

  • Volume II - "Plants."

Biologists, zoologists, specialists of the Committee for Environmental Protection worked on its creation. It includes 579 species. Of these, 252 are animals listed in the Red Book of the Rostov Region, that is, those that live on the territory of the Don Region. The destruction of plants and animals, and especially from the Red Book, is prosecuted by the law of the Russian Federation, both the Administrative Code and the Criminal Code. Several copies of such books were transferred to the Ministry of the Interior. The only drawback of this important benefit is its small circulation: only 500 pieces.


Rare species of animals

During the painstaking work of scientists, it turned out that rare animals of the Rostov region live in the amount of 200 species. Now the entire list is listed in the Red Book, it will be under state protection. Here are the main types of rare animals of the Rostov region:

  • The stork is black.

  • Saker Falcon.

  • The viper is steppe.

  • River otter.

  • Forest cat.


What is the Rostov region?

The Rostov region on the map is mainly a steppe zone. Only the edge of the southeast is a transitional strip between the steppe and semi-desert. Among the boundless steppes looms of sand mounds. Forest and shrub plantings occupy only about 6% of the territory of the Rostov region. Floodplain forests grow along the Don River with frequently encountered, cut-out gullies, chalk clumps. Shrubs of hawthorn and rare trees of wild apple trees and pears grow on them.

What is the nature of the Rostov region? These are steppe open spaces, the floodplain of the Don River, the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov. All this is a haven for a large number of animals, including birds and fish.


What needs to be done to save the animal world?

It is necessary to protect nature and its representatives, otherwise humanity simply will not survive. To protect and preserve such representatives of the fauna, which are animals listed in the Red Book of the Rostov Region, nature reserves and reserves are created. These are unique areas of nature where rare and valuable plants and animals are preserved and protected.

It is forbidden to conduct any economic activity in protected areas, such as cattle grazing. Hunting animals is also prohibited. The nature reserve fund of the Rostov region includes:

  1. The reserve "Rostov".

  2. State Steppe Reserve Tsimlyansky.

  3. Natural Park "Donskoy".

  4. 70 natural monuments.

  5. Wetlands of international importance - Veselovskoe reservoir and Manych-Gudilovo lake.

State Reserve "Rostov"

The protected area of ​​nature - the Rostov Nature Reserve - was created in 1995. It is located in the southeast of the region. This is the only steppe zone that has the status of a protected area. Here, in Rostov, there are the most birds - about 217 species. In this unique place you can meet such birds, which are devoted to the Red Book of the Rostov region. The birds that are protected and protected in the reserve are:

  1. Bustard.

  2. Spoonbill.

  3. Black-headed laughter.

  4. Flamingo.

  5. Owl.

  6. Pink and curly pelican.

  7. Belladonna.


Who lives in the Rostov region?

On the territory of the Rostov region, the so-called steppe animals prevail, which love a dry and warm climate. But since the Don region is rich in various reservoirs, the aquatic animal world of the Rostov region is also quite rich.

In addition, some representatives of the fauna are lovers of sleep in the winter, quite severe. Rodents set a record for winter sleep. Some of their species can be in the kingdom of Morpheus for up to eight months a year. The main types of rodents in the Rostov region, including those listed in the Red Book:

  1. Vole.

  2. Steppe mouse.

  3. Hamster.

  4. Mole rat.

  5. Steppe pestle.

  6. Tarbaganchik.

  7. Jerboa, etc.

A large number of animals leads a nocturnal lifestyle (an example is an eared hedgehog), many take refuge from the heat and from predators, and for some the night becomes a time for hunting.

List of animals

This section provides a list of representatives of the fauna living in the Don region, including some animals listed in the Red Book of the Rostov Region. Here are the main ones:

  1. Deer.

  2. Watery already.

  3. Marsh turtle.

  4. Lake frog.

  5. Snakes - viper, yellow-bellied, etc.

  6. Gopher.

  7. Beaver.

  8. Squirrel.

  9. Elk.

  10. Shrew.

  11. Shrew.

  12. Otter.

  13. Weasel.

  14. Long-eared Hedgehog

  15. Mink and others

An animal with a funny name - Russian muskrat - is also listed in the Red Book. We will talk about its habitat a bit later.

Poisonous representatives of the animal world of the Rostov region

This region is located in the temperate climatic zone. Severe frosts or excessive heat are rare here. The abundance of greenery, hills and plains, ponds - this is a great place for fish, reptiles, insects, birds, mammals, etc.

There are poisonous animals of the Rostov region - this is a spider karakurt. The female is 1-2 cm long, and the male is 4-7 mm. Their body is black, there are red spots on the abdomen with white bordering. Mature individuals have a pure black color with shine. They used to live in Central Asia and the Crimea. Now they have chosen the Don region.

The number of bites of people and animals increases during the migration of females in June and July. The ideal habitat for karakurts is hot summers and warm autumn in wastelands, on the banks of streams, on the slopes of ravines. At the time of the bite, an instant burning pain is felt, spreading throughout the body for half an hour. In this case, urgent medical attention is needed, with timely action everything will be fine, otherwise death is possible. Livestock is very suffering from karakurt.

In the Don steppes, you can meet other spiders, such as:

  1. Tarantula.

  2. The Cross

  3. Eresus.

  4. Solpuga and others.

In addition to spiders, some snakes, for example, the steppe viper, are dangerous to humans. Her bite is not fatal to humans, but it is very painful. The yellow-bellied is not a poisonous, but a very aggressive snake. At the moment of danger, it can attack a person and bite him.

In general, the snakes of the Rostov region are either not poisonous, or their poison is not fatal to humans. But if dirt gets into the wound from a bite, then the treatment can take a long time.


Consider some examples of rare animals of the Don region. Animals listed in the Red Book of the Rostov Region are not known to everyone, for example, an eared hedgehog. This is a declining species of animals. It is also called a desert hedgehog. These are nocturnal animals that can travel up to 9 km in search of food per night. They are mobile and able to run fast. Often hibernate in summer, less often in winter. They lead a solitary lifestyle, sleep curled up in their own holes.

The diet of an eared hedgehog includes:

  1. Insects.

  2. Invertebrates.

  3. The eggs.

  4. Carrion.

  5. Fruits.

  6. Seeds

The animal is able to be without water and food for a long time - up to 10 weeks. Body length - from 12 to 27 cm, weight - from 300 to 700 g. The needles have a color from dark brown to black. The abdomen and chest are white. The ears are flexible and very long, hence the name of the hedgehog - eared. It has an exceptional sense of smell and smell. It prefers dry steppes and semi-deserts, adheres to reservoirs, irrigated lands, pastures, etc.