
Zorkin Anton: photo, biography, personal life of the presenter

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Zorkin Anton: photo, biography, personal life of the presenter
Zorkin Anton: photo, biography, personal life of the presenter

On domestic television, Anton Zorkin is one of the most cheerful and smiling hosts. It is impossible to remember with frowning eyebrows and a sad look. The question of the journalist, whether his smile is sincere, did not catch Anton by surprise. “Friends should ask about this, ” answered the host, smiling.


Anton’s smile is his credo. That was the answer of friends, he is always in a good mood and charges others with his positive energy. Zorkin Anton has a creative approach to work and to life in general. His brain is filled with ideas, many of which are already embodied. By nature, this cheerful young man is a workaholic who received his first salary at fourteen.

Biography of Anton Zorkin

Born in 1983 in Kursk. The boy grew up surprisingly calm and even quiet, although, like many children, he ran along the corridor of the school, and once managed to break a window. But overall, he was a fairly balanced child.

When a theater group was opened at school, Anton Zorkin began to attend it with pleasure. The first person he played on the stage of his native school was the king. As a teenager, Anton acted as the host, he was entrusted with the organization of competitions such as tea drinking in the classroom and the like, and becoming older, he organized discos.


In high school, having matured physically and mentally, Anton knew how to fight offenders and was the first to get into a fight. Once he had to defend his point of view in front of a teacher of mathematics. Seeing that the teacher did not accept his arguments, Zorkin left the classroom with an insulted look.

Study at the institute

Having passed into the ninth grade and having received the consent of his parents, he took the documents from the school and began to practice the saxophone professionally. But the young man nevertheless had to pass the program of the tenth and eleventh grade externally, otherwise he could not have entered the faculty of journalism.

Having enrolled and graduated from the Kursk Pedagogical Institute, the young man began to study there as a presenter with Roman Klimas, who is now the head of the REN-TV channel.


The biography of the host Anton Zorkin is so full that it is no longer surprising that he began to conduct a program on local radio from the age of fourteen. Due to the naturally set voice (although he is critical of his timbre) and regular broadcasting, the programs with the leading Zorkin received a high rating for listening on local radio, the boy became a young hero in Kursk.

Engaging in playing the saxophone soon bored future host Anton Zorkin and he went to Moscow to seek happiness.

In Moscow

Possessing tremendous charisma, the young man settled in Moscow on television. He managed to get a job and work on many channels, including REN-TV, NTV, Channel 7, and TVC. Anton Zorkin had to work as a correspondent, to conduct news. It was a great experience for a young man, and soon they began to recognize him.

In fact, Anton loves morning airs, or as they are also called - morning at breakfast. Even in Kursk, he led the program "Your Morning." And the thesis of the host Anton Zorkin was devoted to the morning broadcast.

Happiness is just life

Despite his age, Anton Zorkin understood early: to be happy, you just need to be able to live. He likes to live, to feel the time, to experience various emotions. This man is enviously dynamic and loves to learn something. He is attracted to complex projects, for the implementation of which you need to scratch your brain. The main thing is creativity, and the more complex the project, the more interesting it is to implement.


Another secret to the success of a young man is, no matter how trite it sounds - kindness and love. Only good people who do not condemn everyone and are disposed towards others can be truly happy. If the host does not do anything pleasant for someone all day, then we can say that the day will be spent in vain.

How not to fuss?

According to Anton, there are much fewer happy people in Moscow and other megacities. Most are in constant fuss and forget that happiness lies only in the head of a person. In his native Kursk, whoever did not have to work was the lead Anton. Therefore, he is not afraid to remain without work, as he perfectly understands that he can always feed himself. Zorkin often comes to his native places, to his father’s house, where his parents are always waiting for him. For him, native penates are more comfortable than any sanatorium.

Journalist by education, the glamorous TV presenter Anton Zorkin is also a writer, and recently he became the host of the children's program “Good morning, kids!” Children are sensitive to adults, and it is impossible to deceive them. To become like a child, Anton before going on the air for children the program revives the child in itself.Normally, such meditation is easy for him, but if he doesn’t succeed, he knows the way out.

Turning into a child

To turn into a child, Anton Zorkin eats up sweets or compote. Oddly enough, but this simple manipulation helps the presenter to return to childhood. And also this amazing person communicates only with those people who bring happiness. He has curiosity in nature, and at present he is constantly moving forward. He is interested in various trainings for happiness. From everything said by other people, he absorbs only what is personally beneficial to him. Anton Zorkin, whose photo is posted below, has one rare quality for humans. He knows how to be grateful.


Once asking a psychologist how to learn to forgive, Anton heard amazing advice that he had adopted. It turns out that you don’t need to think about forgiveness, it’s more useful to find a positive moment in the whole unpleasant story that probably exists and learn a lesson from all this. It turns out that the offender involuntarily provides a service to the one whom he wants to offend.

Striving for happiness, Anton Zorkin, who devoted most of his personal time to television, is original in his judgments. He calls for less television, especially the news channel, and reveals the secrets of “bonded” journalists who are forced to call white black and, after a while, black white.


Together with Khryusha, Anton Zorkin flees from despondency as an unclean force from incense. Despondency is a grave sin, the host believes, and he is one hundred percent right. Together with a puppet friend, Zorkin participate in the new program “Good morning, kids!”. For fifty years of broadcasting, for charming Piggy - this is a new project. Together, they came up with the original term - "piggery". Various famous people come to them for transmission and if they go into the studio with a pompous look, then noticing the original, and most importantly kind and cheerful presenters, they immediately turn into boys and girls.

Personal life

The personal life of Anton Zorkin is work, work, work. He lives alone, he recently moved to another apartment in the VDNH area from the window of which you can see the Ostankino TV tower and a pond. The apartment went to him not without difficulty. There was little accumulation, so the young man took a mortgage for five years.


He is still a little over thirty and will manage to establish relations with someone. Although Anton cannot be called a believer, he believes in signs and never reveals personal projects before they are carried out.


There was a moment in the life of a TV presenter when he faced a choice: theater and cinema or television. He chose the latter and does not regret it at all. On television, he was given great freedom. Anton Zorkin can write the script for the program and be its host. Once he played a cameo role in the television series "Poor Nastya." It was a passerby in the scene when Nastya falls under a horse. There was another small role in the movie, but so far this has been limited to.

In addition to television, radio, writing and so on, Anton Zorkin successfully conducts celebrations of the highest level. Often, he plays the role of entertainer in front of the first persons of the state. He is always restrained and does not allow himself free jokes and vulgarity, but with all this, Anton is witty and energetic.