
Actor John Ritter: biography, filmography, photo

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Actor John Ritter: biography, filmography, photo
Actor John Ritter: biography, filmography, photo

Video: EXCLUSIVE: Jason Ritter Shares Dad John Ritter's Most Important Advice 2024, July

Video: EXCLUSIVE: Jason Ritter Shares Dad John Ritter's Most Important Advice 2024, July

John Ritter is a talented American actor who passed away early. The directors appreciated this man for his ability to get used to any image. To the audience, he gave invaluable minutes of laughter, as he preferred to act in films where he could show his comedic talent. So, what films in the filming of which this wonderful actor took part are worthy of attention in the first place?

John Ritter: Curriculum Vitae

In 1948, a child appeared in the family of a famous musician and actress in Burbank, California. It was the future actor John Ritter. The biography of the boy contains little information about the first years of his life. It is known that those around did not doubt that an artistic and charming boy, endowed with the talent of a parodist, would choose a creative profession for himself.


After graduating from school, later named in his honor, John Ritter became a student at the University of California. It is interesting that the young man did not study acting at all, psychology and architecture turned out to be his chosen subjects. However, he never worked in his specialty, having started to act actively in television series and films very early.

First successes

John Ritter got the first role in the television series when he was only 20. Of course, at first he starred mainly in episodes and extras. The first film of the young man was a comedy called "Barefoot Leader", the tape was released in 1971. Roger, whom he played, was not the main character, but Ritter managed to make his hero bright and unusual.

Not everyone remembers that John Ritter was also a theater actor, whose game was repeatedly awarded. For example, he brilliantly brought to life the image of Claude Pichon, a character who plays an important role in the comedy of Neil Simon. However, filming a movie for an American actor still remained in first place.

The best series

It is difficult to list all the telenovelas in which John Ritter managed to play. The filmography of the actor shows that he gladly agreed to roles in the series, acting as a guest star or playing the main characters. Thanks to television projects, critics and viewers got the opportunity to appreciate the comedic gift of a young man.


Fans of the television series hardly remember the original character that the actor played in the telenovela "Three is a company." His hero is studying at a culinary college, has all the makings of a womanizer. Jack rents a room with two girls, convincing the owner of his belonging to sexual minorities. No one doubts that the series owes its success primarily to Ritter. By the way, the role gave him two prestigious prizes at once.

Over the years of filming in television projects, John Ritter managed to create a huge number of memorable images that are different from each other. Fans will be able to see an idol in such famous telenovelas as Starsky and Hutch, Streets of San Francisco, and Hooperman. The last series, in the creation of which the actor participated, was the project "8 simple rules for my teenage daughter." Unfortunately, viewers were able to get acquainted with his character after the death of Ritter.

What movies to watch

There is hardly a person who has never watched the wonderful family comedy The Difficult Child. The heroes of the picture are childless spouses, unexpectedly deciding on adoption. Unfortunately, the director of the orphanage palms them a real little demon, whom he wants to get rid of. The boy is the most difficult child in the world, which his parents will soon be convinced of.

The star plays in this film an unruly father who, in the end, sincerely becomes attached to the boy. The audience was delighted, as is often the case with films in which John Ritter starred. Photos of his character can be seen below. The success of the comedy prompted the creators to shoot the sequel. The actor remains one of the main characters in “Difficult Child-2”.


“To the Bone to the Bones” is a comedy with elements of a drama in which Ritter appears before the audience as an aging writer who has problems with alcohol, who dreams of returning his wife who has left him. John looks great not only in comedies, but also in thrillers, which is proved by the film "It", shot by Stephen King.

“Bad Santa” is the last tape in which fans can see the famous actor. This Christmas comedy tells the audience the story of a thief who attacked a shopping center in the guise of Santa Claus every Christmas. The premiere of the film, unfortunately, took place after the actor left this world.