
Actor Perov Evgeny Vladimirovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts

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Actor Perov Evgeny Vladimirovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts
Actor Perov Evgeny Vladimirovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Yevgeny Perov never studied at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, but played on stage as an actor of the Moscow Art Academic Theater. He was an actor who organically got accustomed to every role, so he never replayed, never lied or played.


Thanks to his talent, Eugene Perov could be embodied in any image - comic and tragic, lyrical, romantic and at the same time into a regular, everyday one. All his life he served in one theater - the Central Children's Theater (Moscow Central Theater), and shortly before his death, he asked for his regards to the stage on which he missed.

Biography of Evgeny Vladimirovich Perov

Evgeny Vladimirovich was born on September 7, 1919 in Borisoglebsk. Almost nothing is known about the actor’s childhood. The biography of the actor begins with his activity on the stage of the Pskov Pedagogical Theater, on the stage of which he went on the stage in 1936. Then Eugene was seventeen years old.

Then there was Leningrad, where the future actor was called to serve, where he graduated from the theater college and was admitted to the Leningrad theater of a young spectator. Until 1945, Eugene Perov served in the Black Sea Theater, throughout the Great Patriotic War he gave performances on the entire front. For military operations in Sevastopol he was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Sevastopol", and there were also awards "For Combat Merit", "For the Defense of the Caucasus" and "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." In addition, he was awarded orders of the Patriotic War of 1 and 2 degrees. Evgeni Vladimirovich participated in the battles in the Caucasus and Crimea and, together with the Red Army, reached Romania and Bulgaria.

Central Children's Theater

After the war, Yevgeny Vladimirovich Perov moved to Moscow and settled there at the Central Children's Theater, which he remained faithful to the end of his days, despite the fact that his favorite director Anatoly Efros called with him to Lenkom.


Finding himself in the Central House of Artists in 1946, Evgeny Perov immediately took a leading place among the actors. His first significant role was Pavka Korchagin. Then, in 1947, the performance "How Steel Was Tempered" was a huge success and brought glory to the main performer. All Soviet newspapers and magazines sharply discussed the performance, reflecting the patriotic mood of the post-war youth. The image of Pavel Korchagin is also relevant at present, when young people lack heroes with whom they can take an example.

First success

They wrote about the young actor Evgeny Perov that he fully and convincingly embodies the hero of the civil war and, possessing artistic potential deeply, reveals the spiritual world of Pavel Korchagin. Behind the harsh and unusual character of the protagonist of Ostrovsky’s novel lies the nobility and breadth of soul. This was shown in full by a young actor.

For Evgeny Perov, it was a real resounding success that did not turn his head. On the contrary, the young man began to study acting with even greater perseverance.

Theater roles

After the hero of the revolution, a year later, Perov was offered the role of the Storyteller in the play “The Snow Queen”. And he coped with it brilliantly. Then there was the role of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky in the play staged on the basis of Pushkin's novel Dubrovsky. The young actor had to get used to the image of an elderly man. In the scene, when Troekurov meets with Andrei Gavrilovich, Evgeny Vladimirovich so naturally depicted an insult that he “lost his senses” and fell on his back. The audience died away, and their faces showed that they were worried about an actor who could cripple himself.


Actress TCD Tatyana Nadezhdina remembered Yevgeny Vladimirovich warmly and told that he went on stage without makeup, changing only his hair. He could comb his hair parting in the middle or he would make “hind legs”. In the children's play “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, Perov played Negro Tom and smeared black makeup for this role. In the course of the play, when Tom had to say goodbye to close people who were sold in the market, Evgeny Perov always had tears that left white streaks behind him. In the eyes of Tom-Perov there was so much anguish, pain and anxiety that the audience cried with him, not noticing a comical situation.

Anatoly Efros

Almost all the actors of the Central House of Artists became famous in the Soviet Union with the arrival of Anatoly Efros in the theater. One of the leading among them was actor Yevgeny Perov. At that time, Efros was passionate about the work of playwright Victor Rozov, so almost all the performances were based on his plays. Evgeni Vladimirovich sensitively perceived the heroes of Rozov. They suited him in character, because they did not want and did not know how to lie, they were natural and so on. Perov was involved in all productions of Efros.

The performance “In Search of Joy”, which was staged in 1957, brought him real fame, and then for fifteen years he did not leave the stage of the theater. In 1960, the director Anatoly Efros made the film “Noisy Day” on the same play, where Evgeny Perov again got the main role. This made him popular throughout the USSR.


Although the role of Ivan Nikitichna Lapshin was negative, many remembered her from the play and the film. The culmination of the play is a scene in which Lapshin’s son Gennady, who never rebuked his father, stops the parent, who waved his hand at him. At this time, on the face of actor Perov, thoughts were clearly read: misunderstanding, despair that he had lost control of his son, understanding that his son had matured, and the actor’s eyes were filled with tears. It was impossible to look at it without a lump in the throat.

On the stage of the Central Children's Theater, many plays by Victor Rozov were staged, the most famous of them - “Unequal battle”, “Before dinner”, “Good day”.

Russian Jean Gabin

According to the memoirs of Tatyana Nadezhdina, once the director Alexei Popov came to the performance and, after watching the production, exclaimed that only dogs can outplay the actors of the Central House of Artists. But Tatyana Nadezhdina believes that no one, no pet, can beat Yevgeny Perova. Only Yevgeny Vladimirovich could think and hold a pause on stage. In her opinion, you can compare the Soviet actor only with the French actor Jean Gabin, who became famous throughout the world.


Evgeni Vladimirovich never sat with a pen in rehearsals and did not record anything, he carefully listened to the director, thought, did not ask thoughtless questions. He had his own perception of the role. Digging into the character’s character was not in his spirit, since Yevgeny Vladimirovich believed that this could go into the wilds and achieve nothing. You had to trust your intuition and the first reading of the role. All whom he played, the actor passed through himself. Not a single character has repeated. Even for several years playing a teacher in the play “Zero by Behavior, ” Perov was different each time.

The personal life of the actor

There is little information about the personal life of Yevgeny Vladimirovich Perov. It is only known that he was married and had a daughter, Luba. The spouse also bore such a name. After Perov left the scene due to illness (he started having memory problems), both women took care of him. They loved Yevgeny Perov very much and protected them in every way.

Evgeny Vladimirovich died in 1992 and was buried at the Danilovsky cemetery (plot No. 8) in Moscow.