
Actress Gene Smart: biography, filmography, personal life. Interesting Facts

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Actress Gene Smart: biography, filmography, personal life. Interesting Facts
Actress Gene Smart: biography, filmography, personal life. Interesting Facts

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Gene Smart is a talented American actress, remembered by the audience thanks to such TV shows as “Who is Samantha?”, “24 hours”, “Scarlett”. Mostly directors instruct her to create comedic images, praising the star’s ability to make the audience laugh. Gene, unlike many of his colleagues, does not consider his appearance in soap operas to be prestigious for himself, he agrees with pleasure to long-term projects. What is known about this famous woman?

Gene Smart: star biography

The actress was born in September 1951, it happened in American Seattle. Gene Smart, if you trust the memories of relatives and friends of the star, could not be called an ordinary child. The girl from an early age was keenly interested in the world of art. She spent a lot of time at the easel, enjoyed dancing, and played several musical instruments. People around her also noted her talent for reincarnation when she participated in school theater productions.


Despite the objections of the teacher parents, who preferred that the daughter received a more “serious” profession, the grown-up Gene Smart decided to become an actress. However, she still entered the University of Washington and acquired a degree in art. About the student's years of the star, it is only known that she was a member of the Alpha Delta Pi women's club.

Bright debut

Gene Smart can be called the favorite of fortune, since not every actress manages to make her debut as a legendary person. The heroine, who was first played yesterday by a student on the stage of the Broadway Theater in 1981, is Marlene Dietrich. Critics were fascinated, as an unknown girl managed to convey the charm and sexuality inherent in the famous actress, her rich inner world.


It was the role of Marlene Dietrich that helped Gene to become part of such a universe as Hollywood. The talented actress was noticed and literally overwhelmed with proposals for filming in films and TV shows. Interestingly, three years later, Smart starred in the television version of the Piaf production, which made her a star.

TV Shooting

One of the famous television projects with the participation of Gene is the Scarlett series. The plot of the soap opera is borrowed from the work of the same name by Alexandra Ripley, but the creators of the series made serious changes to it. Smart got the role of the charming Sally. This image gave her fans almost all over the world.

Not only comedic roles are able to play the talented actress Gene Smart. The filmography of the star also contains the series "Massacre", in which she embodied the image of the protagonist. The American played a serial killer who committed many high-profile crimes, perfectly portrayed the madness of her heroine.


The first lady, starring Jean, also succeeded. We are talking about the wife of the fictional president, which Smart played in the television project "24 hours." Her heroine Martha Logan turned out to be elegant, strict and domineering. The audience also remembered the character played by Smart in the TV series “Who is Samantha?”, Which tells about the misadventures of a girl who lost her memory. Her Regina Newly critics called one of the main achievements of the television project.

Films with her participation

The actress does not hide her love for the series, however, in the film projects you can see the brilliant Gene Smart. The biography of the star shows that she is attentive to the choice of roles, trying to play dissimilar characters. For example, in the movie "Stylish little thing" her heroine Stella Perry deftly outplayes everyone in cards. The actress was very useful poker skills acquired in her youth, which she demonstrated in this comedy.


The audience also remembered the comedic image created by Jean Smart in the film "Baby", the famous Bruce Willis became her partner on the set then. The comedy tells the story of a boy who turned into an adult in one day and forced to adapt to an unfamiliar world. The actress had a chance to try on herself and the image of the fearless FBI agent, which she embodied in the film "Time to Live."

New projects

For several years now, the star has been shooting in the television project Hawaii Police, the first episode of which was released in 2010. The main character of the soap opera is a former naval officer trying to find the people responsible for the death of his father. Gene got the role of the governor of Hawaii, who invited the officer to become the leader of a new team that will fight with mafia structures.


Jean Smart did not refuse her role as a comedian, films and TV shows with the participation of which fans appreciate primarily for the opportunity to laugh heartily. The second season of the provocative series “Fargo”, in which the star got a comedic role, can serve as proof of this. Her heroine is the wife of the head of a criminal syndicate, forced to head a “family business” in connection with her husband’s illness.