
Scuba diver met with a shark, but was not taken aback, but gave her in the face (video)

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Scuba diver met with a shark, but was not taken aback, but gave her in the face (video)
Scuba diver met with a shark, but was not taken aback, but gave her in the face (video)

Video: Eaten Alive - Great White Shark 2024, July

Video: Eaten Alive - Great White Shark 2024, July

A group of scuba divers went diving in Papua New Guinea to study sharks and photograph these incredible animals. Dave and Christy, two scuba divers, came across a shark that came very close to one of the divers during the shoot.


Christy was frightened and did not want the shark to approach her face. Christie did not know what to do, and in confusion, Christie hit a shark in her face. It turned out that this is the most sensitive place in the shark. It is a blow to the head that stuns the fish, which immediately loses the desire to attack the enemy and swims away.

Shark attack


Christie and her husband Dave were shocked, because they could not believe that the shark could come so close to them. They had previously met sharks, but predatory fish did not try to approach humans.

The shark did not suffer in this incident, but Christie was stunned and did not believe that she had really hit the shark.

Christie later said that the behavior of the shark was similar to the behavior of a dog that exhibits dominant “test” aggression.

She said this was not an attack, and the shark did not want to bite her. But she got scared and hit her.

Scuba divers should be very careful while they are near the sharks. Sharks are very aggressive and try to attack when they encounter humans or other creatures.