
Anastasia Chernova - wife of Oleg Menshikov

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Anastasia Chernova - wife of Oleg Menshikov
Anastasia Chernova - wife of Oleg Menshikov

Video: Олег Меньшиков и Анастасия Чернова 2018★Oleg Menshikov and Anastasia Chernova 2018 2024, July

Video: Олег Меньшиков и Анастасия Чернова 2018★Oleg Menshikov and Anastasia Chernova 2018 2024, July

Anastasia Chernova was an aspiring actress until she married Oleg Menshikov. Until 2005, a man was never married. But the young beauty was truly submissive and even changed his own principles.

The press did not stop discussing the details of the personal life of the couple, and also wondered how the provincial girl managed to marry an inveterate bachelor. The biography of Menshikov’s wife Anastasia Chernova will be discussed in this article.

early years

The future actress was born in 1983 on the Taimyr Peninsula in the small town of Talnakh. Since childhood, Anastasia dreamed of an acting career. She even wrote in school essays that she would achieve what she wanted. Teachers recall the girl very ambiguously: she was always distinguished by a rebellious disposition and was able to achieve the desired.

The girl was a diligent student, in her certificate flaunting solid fives. In addition to classes at school, attended various circles, loved singing, dancing. According to the recollections of the actress, she grew up a real ugly duckling: she was a complete, wise guy and never liked the guys.


After graduation, Anastasia Chernova entered GITIS, and managed to get through on the first attempt. Oddly enough, the girl had a wonderful relationship with classmates. Those spoke about her extremely positively. The girl liked to study.


In college, she first began to think about health problems and overweight. To become attractive to the opposite sex, it was necessary to lose a few pounds. The girl went on a rigid diet, and the result was not long in coming. Numerous fans appeared immediately. However, she did not reciprocate to anyone. Waiting for the very same. And waited.

Man of dreams

The meeting with the future spouse changed everything in the life of actress Anastasia Chernova. This happened on the most romantic day - February 14 at the creative evening of Mikhail Zhvanetsky. Oleg Menshikov and Marat Basharov joined the company in which the girl was.


An impressive man conquered the 22-year-old beauty at first sight: he joked without ceasing, showed artistic numbers and even tried to eat the flowers presented to her. The lovers exchanged phone numbers, but began dating a few months later.