
Anfisa Okhlobystina: biography, who works

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Anfisa Okhlobystina: biography, who works
Anfisa Okhlobystina: biography, who works

Ivan Okhlobystin is one of the most striking and non-traditional representatives in the domestic show business. Non-traditional, however, is not at all his orientation (with this, everything is in perfect order), but in general his whole way of life and worldview. An actor, who is also a writer, musician and clergyman - the father of six children! His oldest daughter is Anfisa Okhlobystina. The girl has already grown up, prettier, and all Russian tabloids rank her among one of the most enviable brides from among the "star" father's daughters.


Alice from Through the Looking Glass

Once upon a time, in order to find out any personal information about a person, it was necessary to deceive. Surveillance, espionage, data mining - all this has sunk into oblivion, because now we all have social networks. Experienced users are able to scout on the account on Facebook or VKontakte all the ins and outs about the person.

Those who are involved in the world of show business are also people, and therefore they are not alien to register on sites where you can chat with friends and share your posts and photos with subscribers.

The pages of star children on various public sites help fans learn more about their idols, but not all of them are open to the public. Moreover, some offspring of celebrity, wanting to hide from the annoying attention of the public, are registered in social networks under fake names. Anfisa Ivanovna Okhlobystina is one of them: the name that the girl indicated on the Web instead of hers is Alisa Belova. Probably, she does not really strive to get closer to her father's glory, which is why she is hiding under this pseudonym.


Dad's mom's daughter

Nevertheless, users still managed to find it on the open spaces of the World Wide Web, and therefore simply can not hide completely from the public Anfisa Okhlobystina. In addition, all the curious can learn a lot about her from her father’s interview. Ivan loves his children, is proud of them, and therefore gladly talks about their successes (and sometimes about failures) to journalists.

According to his father, Anfisa Okhlobystina is very similar to her mother, Oksana Arbuzova, and the latest photos of the girl prove this. However, in childhood, the daughter looked more like dad, and many users of social networks spoke out in this regard, considering her not attractive enough.

Nevertheless, time has shown that the ugly duckling turns into a beautiful swan. Anfisa Okhlobystina has changed a lot, she is not averse to experimenting with her appearance, which at the moment is most consistent with the hipster style popular with young people.


Biographical data

This year (2017) the daughter of the famous doctor Bykov turned 21 years old. The girl is a student at Moscow State University. Her specialization is marketing. Anfisa's father notes that she is a girl with an iron character, purposeful, but at the same time very kind and loyal.

Anfisa is a diligent student and mother's assistant. Since there are many children in the Okhlobystins family, their mother Oksana always has enough work. So that she alone does not bear the burden of responsibility over the offspring, the younger family members are used to fulfilling their obligations from an early age, they have a house-keeping schedule, according to which dishwashing and cleaning are done. It should be noted that the Okhlobystins live in a three-story townhouse, and therefore Anfisa, her three younger sisters and two brothers have something to do.

Many fans of the actor are interested in who Anfisa Okhlobystina works with. The girl devotes all her time to study and still does not earn a living on her own, she thinks about employment, but wants to graduate from the university first.


MCH girls

The daughter of Ivan Okhlobystin Anfisa is already dating a young man. The actor himself spoke about this, noting that he was not familiar with the girl's chosen one. An agreement was drawn up between the father and his girl that she would introduce her MCH to her parents when it was a truly serious relationship. Then Okhlobystin agrees to talk with a potential son-in-law, but until then he prefers not to intervene.

Despite his strong temper, Ivan Okhlobystin is quite loyal to the personal freedom of his children. As a believer, he would like his daughters and sons to come to God as soon as possible, but he does not put pressure on them and allows them to lead a completely worldly lifestyle. As for the marriage of his offspring, he is also very calm. Ivan would not want Anfisa to marry before the age of 18, but as we see, this did not happen, because the girl is already 21 years old, and she is still a bachelor.


Hobbies and hobbies of the eldest daughter Okhlobystin

Surely readers are curious to know what Anfisa Okhlobystina is interested in. The biography of the daughter of the actor is directly related to the life of the famous father, who himself is familiar with many curious personalities, and does not hide his children from them.

So, his daughter loves to listen to the songs of Garik Sukachev, and from the foreign stage in the list of her preferences the legendary Queen and the newcomer to the world musical Olympus - Muse.

The girl also loves world cinema, preferring ribbons that have already become modern classics. For example, on her page on the social network, she noted that the films “The Matrix”, “Dracula” and the horror movie about Freddy Krueger “A Nightmare on Elm Street” are her favorites.

Okhlobystin has repeatedly said that, despite his current success, the demand for producers and good welfare, his family is quite ready to give up the benefits that are available at the moment. They are punks by nature, and therefore do not require anything impossible from life. And this statement concerns not only Ivan and Oksana, but also all their children.
