
Biography, creativity and personal life of Vitaly Bezrukov

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Biography, creativity and personal life of Vitaly Bezrukov
Biography, creativity and personal life of Vitaly Bezrukov

Who in the theatrical environment does not know the name of Bezrukov? She is literally on everyone’s ears. At the same time, when they talk about the Bezrukovs, they immediately remember two wonderful actors - Sergey Bezrukov and his father Vitaly.

Consider today in detail the creative life of the senior representative of this family.

Brief biographical information about childhood and youth

Bezrukov Vitaliy Sergeevich comes from a simple Russian family. He was born in the difficult year for our country in 1942 (the date of his birth - January 1 - coincided with the beginning of the new year, about which the actor was always joking). It happened in the Gorky region (today it is the Nizhny Novgorod region), in the village of Belavino.

Despite the hardships of a difficult post-war childhood, the boy studied well at school and after its successful completion did not enter the institute, but the theater studio in the city of Sverdlovsk.

The scene always attracted a young man. He loved the theater, was keenly interested in literature, music and the art of cinema. From childhood, he saw himself in some role, while he tried to play goodies.

It so happened that the young actor graduated from a completely different and more prestigious Moscow Art Theater Theater Studio. Vitaly completed his studies with honor, because he graduated from this educational institution not just with an ordinary diploma, but with an honors diploma. It happened in 1969.


The first works in the theater

While still a student, Vitaly showed his talent on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, as well as in the Mayakovsky Theater, where he played a major role in the play "Oedipus".

After graduating from the studio, the young actor was invited to the Moscow Drama Theater. He actively participated in the life of this temple of Melpomene and played a lot. In those years, he created wonderful images in such performances as "Robbers", "Guilty Without Guilt", "Days of Our Life" and others.

The audience fell in love with Vitaly Bezrukov, and his unique acting image was recognized by the audience, no matter what role he performed.

Already in 1971, the actor performed on the stage of the Gogol Theater. In the same period, he was lucky to play the poet Sergei Yesenin in the play "Anna Snegina."

Later, much will change in the fate of the actor Yesenin. The book of Vitaly Bezrukov, dedicated to the work and life path of the great Russian poet, will be the work of his life.


Work at the Satire Theater

In 1980, a new era began in the life of Vitaly Bezrukov. The famous director of the theater of Satire V. Pluchek invited him to his troupe. This was a great success, since the Satire Theater was very popular in those years, along with Taganka and several other similar institutions.

In this theater, Bezrukov worked for many years. Here he played memorable roles in the performances The Capercaillie’s Nest, Crazy Money, We, the Undersigned, and others.

However, due to conflict with the leadership of Bezrukov for a long time he was left without the main roles. The artist experienced a rather painful state of forced idleness and creative lack of demand.

In 2002, Vitaly Sergeevich (after his 60th birthday) left this theater.


Vitaly Bezrukov: films and movie scripts

The actor began acting in films since 1968. In the Soviet years, he played in 9 different films, among them such masterpieces as “Walking through the agony”, popular films (“Experts are investigating”) and ordinary films.

A new life in the cinema began with Vitaly Bezrukov in the two thousandth. He starred in such films as The Brigade, In June 41st, Yesenin and others.


By his own admission, the actor was able to wait for his stellar lead role. She became a work in the film of A. Parkhomenko “Luke”, dedicated to the fate of the remarkable Russian scientist-doctor and St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky).

In this film, Vitaly Sergeyevich Bezrukov also played St. Luke. For this role, the actor was awarded a special prize at the Pokrov festival of Orthodox films.

Joint work with his son - Sergey Bezrukov

Work with his son, Sergey Bezrukov, changed a lot in the life of an actor. The father admitted that he was trying to put the best that he could into his son, even named him in honor of Yesenin and his father Sergei.

After Sergey, like his father, decided to become an actor, Vitaly Bezrukov went to teach at the Moscow Art Theater School, where his son studied. He was actively interested in teaching and raised many good actors whose art now delights viewers in theaters and on television.

And Sergey Bezrukov graduated from the course of Oleg Tabakov and became one of his favorite students.

Together with his father, Sergey starred in the "Brigade", where he played the main role, and in the series "Yesenin" (here Vitaly Sergeyevich appeared in the image of Yesenin's father - Alexander Nikitich). The script for this film was written by Vitaly Bezrukov himself.


The book about Yesenin, authored by Bezrukov Sr., was published in 2005. In the same year, a series about Yesenin with Bezrukov Jr. in the lead role was released.

The film and the book made a lot of noise in the literary world. The opinions of critics were sharply divided. Some praised the author for his ability to see the essence in Esenin’s character and artistically translate it into his work, while others (as a rule, venerable literary scholars referred to them) pointed out numerous factual errors made by the author in his film script and book.

In any case, the work of both Bezrukovs was remembered by the public, and reading Yesenin’s poems became the hallmark of Bezrukov Jr.