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Is Scout a Young Scout? Definition, history and nuances

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Is Scout a Young Scout? Definition, history and nuances
Is Scout a Young Scout? Definition, history and nuances

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Video: The Critical Questions Parents Must Ask Their Child: The Scouting Report Orientation 2024, June

In English-speaking countries, the Boy Scout movement is popular. Who are the Boy Scouts? Do you have a definite answer to this question? If not, we suggest reading the article to the end.


A scout is a child or teenager who refers to the movement of scouts (this word translates as “scout”). This organization is aimed at the comprehensive development of man. That is, attention is focused not only on the physical condition, but also on mental development and spiritual growth. Perhaps that is why the Boy Scout organization is so popular.


Movement history

The scouts take their beginnings in the 20th century, namely in 1907. The country that became the progenitor of the movement is England. Robert Baden-Powell is the founder of the Boy Scout movement and even published the book Scouting for Boys, which eventually gained worldwide fame. The textbook is still popular and allows you to learn more about this interesting direction and answer the question “who is this boy scout”. Scouting came to the United States after 3 years. One businessman got lost on the city streets in London and turned to a young man for help. He, in turn, happily told where the desired street is and escorted him. So William Boyce (a businessman from the USA) found out that the Boy Scout is a comprehensively developed person, and his main duty is to help people.

Scouting founder Robert graduated from a military school and was at war, where he gained survival skills. Strong-willed character allowed him to find the glory of the hero. Thanks to his active life position, the desire to help others, a boy scout movement appeared. It was the preached principles that sparked interest in a huge number of children.

At first, only boys were accepted. At the moment, girls may also be in this organization. In most countries, the fair sex are separate, they are Girl Scouts.
