
What is dialectics? Principles and laws of dialectics

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What is dialectics? Principles and laws of dialectics
What is dialectics? Principles and laws of dialectics

Video: Fundamentals of Marx: Dialectics 2024, June

Video: Fundamentals of Marx: Dialectics 2024, June

In modern science, there are several theories that describe the operation of various systems. And the most accurate description of the various changes that occur with the phenomena and objects of the world is dialectics. In ancient Greece, this concept was understood as a dispute or dialogue. Over time, they began to use it to indicate contradictions not only in the process of philosophical debate, but also in nature, in the world. The holistic concept of dialectics was developed by the great German philosopher Hegel.


Dialectic Background

In other words, people began to think about what dialectics is at the dawn of their history, when for the first time they rushed to understand the laws that operate in the world around him. People realized that knowledge of these mechanisms can significantly help them in everyday, real life, being a way to understand it and, if possible, transform it.

The concept

Dialectics in philosophy today is a method of argumentation (as well as one of the forms of reflexive theoretical thinking), which explores the contradictions inherent in the content of thinking. The word "dialectics" in translation from the ancient Greek language means "the art of arguing, leading reasoning."

It became famous thanks to the works of Plato, in particular, his works “Dialogues”. In them, two or more participants in the conversation could have a conversation among themselves, and at the same time hold different opinions. However, they sought to find the truth by exchanging their opinions. Starting with Hegel's works, the direction of dialectics begins to be contrasted with metaphysics - the doctrine of the immutability of things, their independence from each other.


Other definitions

In the history of philosophy, one can find many other definitions of what dialectics is.

  • Heraclitus believed that by this term it is necessary to understand the doctrine of the formation, as well as the variability of being;
  • By dialectics, Plato understood the way of dismembering and linking various concepts in order to comprehend a higher idea, the essence of things;
  • Aristotle understood by dialectics science, which relates to the general propositions that can be found in any scientific study;
  • Giordano Bruno and Nikolai Kuzansky understood by this term the doctrine of combining phenomena that were essentially opposite;
  • Kant believed that dialectics is a method that allows you to destroy the illusions inherent in the human mind. After all, striving for knowledge of the truth, he inevitably becomes entangled in contradictions.
  • Hegel, who described in detail the principles and laws of dialectics, understood by this term the method of cognition of existing contradictions, which are the driving forces of development.

In Marxism-Leninism, dialectics was considered a doctrine that underlies the knowledge of the real world and its revolutionary transformation


Dialectical principles briefly

Several basic principles of dialectics were highlighted. They can be briefly described as follows.

  • Things in the world are in communication with each other. This principle is understood to mean that every object or phenomenon in the material world is in connection with other things. For example, each animal representative is included in the biological chain; objects of the world are connected with the planet Earth; the latter, in turn, is associated with the solar system and so on.
  • The principle of development is progressive movement, the transition from one state to another. Usually development is opposed to “creation”, “explosion”. It is often said that it should have some purpose, but in dialectics this is not always the case. For example, it is difficult to judge any development goal in the natural world. It is also impossible to predict the distant tasks that the evolution of human society pursues.
  • The principle of negation - each new state of an object is in opposition to the previous one.

Concepts and categories

So, we have examined what dialectics is. However, this method in philosophy is not limited to just one definition and those laws that are peculiar to it. In this direction, there is also a series of dialectical laws that are expressed in various entities, or concepts.

Along with the formulation of the basic principles of dialectics, its main categories were developed. They are the most general concepts that reflect the most significant connections between phenomena and objects of the world. They are collected in a specific system, which contains the very content of the dialectical method. Most often you can hear about the following main categories of dialectics: subject and object of cognition, matter, consciousness, thinking, essence, phenomenon, individuality, chance, necessity.


Concepts about things and phenomena.

There are also basic categories of dialectics that relate to things and phenomena of the world. They reflect the various sides of objects, as well as processes that take place in reality. These are such concepts as a "thing in itself", a phenomenon, a being, movement, the world (space), form and content.

Basic principles: systemic law

This provision is one of the main ones. The law of systemicity is formulated as follows: everything in the world is interconnected. There is not a single object or phenomenon that exists independently of another. The system in dialectics is one of the fundamental concepts. It is formed by several elements that depend on each other. The connections and relationships between the various elements of the system form its structure.

The cognitive significance of this law is that the whole world (including also the people themselves) can be represented as an entity, where it is enough to have knowledge about the elements that make up this system, and about the relationships between them. Then a person, if he has correctly defined this or that system and its essence, becomes capable of knowing its essence.


The law of unity of opposites

This is one of the most difficult problems of dialectics. One of the most important concepts of this law is “identity” and “sameness”, “difference” and “unequality”, “opposite”. According to this law, the source of development of each thing is in itself. And any object or phenomenon of the surrounding world contains such elements that, in principle, are not compatible with each other.

The unity of opposites consists in the fact that they, in fact, are inextricably linked, and mutually determine each other. For example, quotient can be distinguished only against the background of the general, and vice versa. The struggle of opposites is that they seek to destroy each other, to exclude. The extreme point of this confrontation is controversy. Leaving this extreme point is the removal of contradictions, the onset of irreversible changes.

This law is formulated as follows: all objects and phenomena of the surrounding world exist for the reason that they are developing. In other words, their qualitative and quantitative indicators are constantly changing. There cannot be a single entity in the real world that this law does not affect.

As an example of the action of this law in nature, we can mention a fact from physics: light is both a wave and a particle, as if combining incompatible opposites.

You can also recall the organization of wildlife. For example, a forest is a single living system, however, species that continuously fight are inhabited inside it: mushrooms parasitize on trees, ants destroy caterpillars, predators eat herbivores.


Law of denial

This principle is also one of the fundamental in objective dialectics. It consists in the fact that the new state of the object always denies the old, and at the same time, it also becomes a denied new state. This principle expresses continuity in dialectics, the repeatability of some properties of the lower stage of development at higher stages.

The meaning of this law is that the development process always takes place in a spiral. Development involves the negation of the previous stage, but then this stage is also denied, and the previous stage returns, however, in a slightly different quality. Thus, with the help of this law, the connection that exists between the old state of the object of the surrounding world and the new one is illustrated.

A new state over time inevitably grows old and disappears. For example, for those people who are interested in their development, it is impossible to get away from denying their old properties and acquiring fundamentally new states. Under the old are understood the collapsing elements of the once existing system, the connections that existed between them. But the new is the elements and the connections connecting them, which contribute to the transformation of the system, the change in its functional capabilities.

Examples of the operation of this law in life:

  • Change of various economic and political structures in society;
  • Change of older generation to younger;
  • The death of old cells in the body and the emergence of new ones.

The principle of transition of qualitative to quantitative changes

When studying the principles and laws of dialectics, it is necessary to take into account that they are all interconnected. After all, these patterns reflect those laws that operate in our world. Even at the level of a simple layman, one can notice that the phenomena of the surrounding world are characterized by repeatability, orderliness.

The basic concepts applicable to this law are as follows:

  • Quality - certainty equal to being, a measure of any characteristics of an object or phenomenon that is stable.
  • Quantity - the measurable parameters of an object or object.
  • Measure is the unity of the two above categories. With a certain number of changes, the quantity turns into quality. Changes in the latter cannot occur indefinitely.

This law is formulated as follows: the development of an object occurs by accumulating quantitative changes, which sooner or later turn into qualitative ones (which, in turn, are also conditions for new changes in the quantitative plan). In other words, quality is gradually accumulating - as classical dialectics postulates. An example in this case is usually given as follows: a kidney on a tree gradually swells and grows, but from this it does not cease to be a kidney at all.

Another example is the effect of heating water. If you gradually heat it one degree Celsius, then the quantitative indicators will accumulate, and sooner or later they will turn into qualitative ones - the substance will turn into a state of vapor.


Hegel's Views

Sometimes the above principles are called the laws of Hegel’s dialectic, since in this form they were first formulated by a German philosopher. In Hegel's writings there are many points that distinguish him from his predecessors. For example, unlike Kant, in his philosophy there is no concept of phenomena and noumenons, since the categories of consciousness really belong not only to the human mind, but also are characteristic of objects and phenomena of the world. Hegel believed that any process of development always occurs within the framework of the described dialectical triad. According to the laws of Hegel’s dialectic, the thesis is first advanced. Then comes the antithesis. Between them there is a conflict that causes a synthesis of opposites. When this step is reached, the process is repeated anew.


Features of the dialectic of the German philosopher

Hegel, having proposed a new understanding of what dialectics and its theory of development are, expressed his ideas in two principles and three laws. The latter were described above and are known as the three laws of dialectics. The first of them is that "everything is connected with everything." However, what this principle means, philosophers still find it difficult to answer. For example, how can the study of Hegel's dialectics be connected with the holding of carnivals in Venice. The second principle is "Everything in the world is in the process of development." This principle, as indicated, cannot be applied to the nature and progress of society.