
What is a calling? My favourite profession

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What is a calling? My favourite profession
What is a calling? My favourite profession

Video: How To Decide On A Career 2024, June

Video: How To Decide On A Career 2024, June

For some people, July is a month associated with carelessness, summer vacations and sometimes vacations, while yesterday's schoolchildren survive a not very pleasant, but perhaps the most important period of their lives. Graduates are faced with the task of deciding what a vocation is and making a choice on which all future life will depend. This choice, of course, is difficult, which means that it deserves close attention.

Difficulties of self-determination

In order to correctly determine what a vocation is, you must first deal with everything that is confusing and does not apply directly to the issue itself. It is necessary to try to abstract from friends, acquaintances, relatives, from their efficient and not very advice and considerations.


You need to forget about what is fashionable, popular, prestigious, and think first of all not about money, but about your beloved. Yes, a little healthy, or, if you want, natural egoism will not hurt here, because very often children, under the pressure of adults (parents, grandparents, grandfathers or older friends), replace their aspirations with the desires of other people, they call their life’s business not their own, and other people's unfulfilled dreams. Is it possible to find a more effective way to ruin a person’s life forever than to force him to do what he doesn’t like? Hardly.

Vocation and favorite work: where is the line?

When answering the question of what vocation is, it is important not to allow the substitution of concepts. Often people identify their favorite business with their destiny, while there are serious differences between these two human forms. So, calling is not just “my favorite profession”, but something more abstract and less tangible. Rather, it is a kind of vector of personal movement and the disposition of interests, or, if you like, a landmark that you need to strive all your life for. Thus, the mission is rather a philosophical category that describes the view of the world and a person’s place in it, while “my favorite profession” is a concrete manifestation of human destiny, these are the bricks that form the path in the chosen direction.


By the way, is there, for example, a difference between being a teacher and being born in order to be a teacher? The question is exclusively rhetorical.

Is calling the destiny of the elect?

Destination, one way or another, is inherent in any person, because each representative of the human race is a piece of a huge puzzle called "Life". Only not everyone can be heroes and geniuses: some find their “I” in the family and loved ones, others live, guided by an endless thirst for achievement, others dream of perfecting the world. The talents of people are diverse, and this is normal, so reproaching a person for the fact that he prefers “warm nest” to uncertainty coupled with uncertainty is hardly worthy. The purpose of a person should depend solely on his personal choice, and encroach on this choice - to encroach on freedom, which is an inalienable right of every member of society.

Are Mistakes So Deadly?

“It is human nature to make mistakes, ” however, over the millennia of its existence, people have not been able to come to terms with this, which is perhaps even wonderful.


The inability to be content with what is available and the desire to fight are very encouraging to move forward. Mistakes are a natural part of our life, and putting an end to our calling just because they could not be prevented, at least, is stupid. Slips should be taught, but in no case be led astray, because the purpose of a person requires not only movement in the chosen channel, but also the ability to overcome all difficulties that arise. And there will probably be a lot of them, and, perhaps, only those who do not know how to pass, but who copes with the destruction of illusory and not very barriers to the dream, will turn out to be happy.

How not to go astray?

You can think and reason for a long time on this topic, although the secret to success is actually very simple: you need to be able to relax.


It is important to find an outlet, a warm hearth where you can warm up and come to your senses. You must not allow yourself to turn into ashes, because to “burn out” means to reach a certain point of no return, when life suddenly loses its color, and forward movement takes place exclusively by inertia. The feeling of fatigue tends to accumulate, and the more it is deposited somewhere in the bins of the human soul, the more destructive it affects the personality. Then the purpose becomes not a stimulus, but a curse, an eternal webbing that cannot be, it just doesn’t turn out not to be pulled. It is here that routine begins, a feeling of dissatisfaction, and, as a result, despondency, apathy, nervous breakdowns and prolonged depression. This is a question not only of physical, but also of mental, psychological health, and therefore, this should not be neglected in any case.

Where to look for support?

It is unlikely that anyone doubts that "a man needs a man." However, many underestimate the participation of other people in their lives. However, without exception, each of us is familiar with the feeling that Diogenes once experienced when setting off in search of someone with a torch. This desire, no, rather a thirst to bury your nose in the human chest, feel warmth, affection, support, support, express everything you want to express, and keep silent about what should be understood without words.

Behind every great or successful person were close friends, relatives, parents who cheered, consoled in sad moments and directed them on the right path. Is it not more pleasant to try for someone other than yourself than to try only for your own sake? The highest calling for all people is, in any case, one thing - to love and be loved. This is something for which it is worth living, and for which, perhaps, it is not scary to die.


Purpose and ways to achieve it

The question of calling is very often taken by surprise, because on the way to answering it people encounter many confusing factors. Such factors include, for example, the desire to earn a lot.


There is certainly nothing wrong with that, but exactly as long as wealth does not become an end in itself and does not replace all human values. Here, in the first place, it is important not to cross the line when the end justifies any means. Vocation can bring pleasure only when the highest moral law is not violated. Human history, experience, and literature clearly show that happiness built on "someone else's blood" is, in fact, not happiness. And if awareness of this does not come to a person right away, then he will certainly overtake him in the future, forcing him to cruelly pay old bills.