the culture

What is spring? It's time for new discoveries and undertakings, the revival of feelings and emotions!

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What is spring? It's time for new discoveries and undertakings, the revival of feelings and emotions!
What is spring? It's time for new discoveries and undertakings, the revival of feelings and emotions!

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What is spring? This is the time of year. Classic. Following the summer, autumn comes, autumn is replaced by winter, winter is replaced by spring, and summer returns again. And no girls who were sent by evil stepmothers to the forest for snowdrops can change the course of events, even if the noble brothers decided to create a miracle on New Year's Eve for 12 months. The meaning of the word spring is twofold: the time of year and the dawn of life (youth).

Time of the year

In the middle lane, spring usually comes in late March, when winter still clings to its rights and throws armfuls of snow under the feet of passers-by tired of frost.


But even the snow is not so fluffy and white, and the sun warms more strongly during the day, and the sky becomes higher, and the drops from the roofs with a cheerful chime remind of warmth. The average daily temperature in March reaches about 5 degrees of frost, in April 2014 it averaged +4 degrees Celsius, but May, apparently, should have a decent temperature regime. According to weather forecasts, the average monthly May temperature will increase slightly. It will be about 17 degrees of heat during the day and 12 at night. Precipitation is also expected to be heavy. This is a good reserve for the summer: warm, moist earth will provide abundant seedlings.

Love, as you know, all ages are submissive

What is spring? This is Love. With the advent of romantic time, daylight hours, the production of seratonin, and, as a result, the desire to be happy, and therefore loved, increase.


Teenagers are the first to realize that that girl at the next desk is special: she has luxurious hair, a mysterious look, a gentle smile. And that high school boy who yesterday passed by and didn’t notice, looked attentively today and greeted with a smile. Then the older generation wakes up. Drivers in cars, forgetting to look at the road, stare at the slender legs of beautiful women in short skirts. Of course, women’s makeup became brighter, and the gray-black tones of their clothes gave way to bright and joyful ones. The grandmothers on the bench at the entrance nodded knowingly after the beauty: "Spring!"

The beginning of the summer season

What is spring? This is an awakening. First nature wakes up. The buds on the trees swell, the life-giving juice flows through the trunks, then the tender greens of young leaves appear. Birds return home after wintering in other countries. The air around them is filled with their twittering and also comes to life. Mosquitoes with their acupuncture and triumphant squeak refresh the memories of barbecue in the country or camp site. The earth is awakening, and summer residents go by a ritual string to grow vegetables in the beds. Gardeners are not alone in the desire to work. Most of the business comes to life in the spring: builders are preparing for the season, manufacturers and traders of air conditioners are launching an advertising campaign.


Prices are rising, so much so that the consumer wonders how this potato can cost a little less than meat. But traders on the market noticeably come to life: you can’t sell such an expensive product just by basking at the counter - here you need to be quick-witted. The consumer has nowhere to go, so he also wakes up and intensifies his activities in the extraction of livelihoods. "Do not drown - do not rush!".