
What is the highest value in the Russian Federation?

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What is the highest value in the Russian Federation?
What is the highest value in the Russian Federation?

Video: Russian Capitalism After Communism | History 2024, July

Video: Russian Capitalism After Communism | History 2024, July

In fact, the highest value in the Russian Federation is the observance of human rights? What should be the relationship of the state with the people and what are the reality? Questions that all sane citizens should ask themselves. We are looking for answers.

What is the highest value of the state?

Value in itself is significance. This is the benefit that an object, phenomenon or person brings. This is what we are ready to sacrifice for his (her) inviolability.

The supreme value of the state determines its essence, why it exists and how firmly "keeps on its feet."

In all states applying for the title of legal, they value man above all else, his rights and freedoms. The highest value under the Constitution of the Russian Federation is precisely it in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted on December 10, 1948 at the UN. This is the benchmark on which all democracies are equal, although it is not endowed with binding legal force. It lists the natural rights and freedoms that a person possesses from birth, and what the state should have with him.

Is Russia a legal state or not?


A state can call itself legal, in which:

  • equality prevails;
  • a person, his rights and freedoms are not only declared the highest value, but they are cherished, protected, respected;
  • the law does not contradict the law and is one for all and unshakable;
  • there is no ideological imposition from above; everyone can have a different opinion from the official and talk about it;
  • society and the state are mutually responsible for their actions.

So Russia is positioning itself. The Constitution states that the highest value in the Russian Federation is a person, his rights and freedoms.

What are human rights?

These are opportunities arising from the very nature of man, to live freely and safely in society. These are conditions for preserving life and dignity. These are moral norms that belong to a person, regardless of what nationality or race he belongs to, what religion he professes, what political convictions he adheres to.

Human rights:

  • stem from the natural essence of man;
  • independent of state recognition;
  • belong to everyone from birth;
  • natural and cannot be alienated;
  • act directly;
  • these are the norms and principles of the relationship between man and the state, which enable everyone to do what they please and receive the necessary benefits;
  • the state is obliged to recognize, observe and protect them.

What is understood in Russia as the highest value?

The highest value, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is a person, his rights and freedoms. The fundamental law in the second article gave the state the obligation to recognize, observe and protect them as the basis of its existence, as follows from the norms and principles of international law. The main ones are:

  • The state is obliged to recognize the rights and freedoms that belong to a person from birth.
  • Before the court and the law, everyone should be equal. Subject to the rights and interests of one, the rights of others must not be violated.
  • A woman and a man are equal in rights.
  • International standards, universally recognized, should be higher than domestic.
  • Conditions to restrict a person's rights and freedoms must be strictly defined by law.
  • It is unacceptable to abuse rights and freedoms to separate people by race, nationality, religion, as well as the violent overthrow of the constitutional system.

What rights and freedoms does the Russian Federation guarantee?

The second chapter of the Constitution specifies what the state of Russia understands as “the highest value” and undertakes to observe, protect and provide:

  • the equality of all before the law;
  • the right to live;
  • human dignity;
  • freedom and integrity of the person;
  • privacy, honor, family and personal secrets;
  • the inviolability of the home;
  • native language;
  • the right to move freely;
  • the right to speak and act in accordance with one's convictions;
  • right to association and peaceful protest;
  • the right to govern the state, choosing or being elected;
  • the right to appeal to state bodies for help;
  • the right to business;
  • private property;
  • the right to work and the prohibition of coercion;
  • motherhood and childhood;
  • caring for the elderly;
  • right to housing;
  • health and medical care;
  • favorable environment and information about it;
  • the right to education;
  • creative freedom;
  • the right of everyone to protect their interests personally, the duty of the state is to protect them;
  • the right to judicial protection and legal assistance;
  • presumption of innocence;
  • prohibition of re-conviction for the same crime;
  • the right not to testify against oneself and close relatives;
  • the right to compensation for harm caused by the state.

Since the Constitution of the Russian Federation the highest value of the state is a person, his rights and freedoms, from a formal point of view, Russia is a rule of law state, which is the first article of the Basic Law that states.

But does the form fit the content? Who does the state really care about in the first place?