
To live a fuller and happier life, I keep several lists: priorities, books, dreams

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To live a fuller and happier life, I keep several lists: priorities, books, dreams
To live a fuller and happier life, I keep several lists: priorities, books, dreams

Video: How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals) 2024, June

Video: How to Design Your Life (My Process For Achieving Goals) 2024, June

The life of a modern person is so swift and unpredictable that sometimes it is just necessary to stop, look around and reflect. Are we really happy, is our existence on the right track? And if we doubt it, it is worth introducing purposefulness and orderliness these days to direct their course in the right direction. As one of the tools to help you live a fuller and happier life, I suggest trying a few lists.

Life Priority List


This is a list that will help in the formulation, and then in the implementation of basic life goals. This is necessary in order to abstract for a while from less ambitious tasks in one area.

For example, a person can completely focus on problems within his career and forget about his health or his personal life, family. If he stops and compiles a list of other important directions in his existence, this will be the first step towards their implementation.

List of books you want to read


Some people would like to read more, but due to lack of time this does not always work. And when they hear that an interesting book has been published, they make a note in their mind, thinking that they will return to it later and be sure to familiarize themselves with its contents. But over time, the name is erased from memory, and, getting into the bookstore, they no longer buy the novelty that had previously attracted their attention.

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But it would seem that it’s easier to take and write down the name of one, and then other books, and carry this list with you. And going into the bookstore, do not rummage through the memory, but just look into it. So what is in the way?

List of things not yet mastered


According to scientists, the acquisition of new experience is a powerful incentive for the production of dopamine. This is a hormone that gives people energy and infects with enthusiasm. And this, in turn, leads to the formation of new nerve cells and the creation of new connections between them.

Compiling a list of things that you would like to try in life for complete happiness may include, for example, a desire to learn a foreign language, enroll in a dance school, learn how to cook well, learn a new sport, and so on.

And if you suddenly feel that you are missing something, there is some kind of stagnation, you can open the list and choose what you want the most, and finally take a chance, starting a new business.

List of places of interest to visit


Probably, each of us more than once came across on the Internet with information about ten countries that are recommended to be visited, or about five cities in a particular country, or about fifteen attractions in the city and so on.

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And in order not to rack your brains later on, where did you go on vacation anyway, and having decided not to break mountains of information, preparing for the trip, you should list the information you are interested in as you get acquainted.

Action plan


It is not related to daily or weekly plans. This concerns the steps that must be taken in order to achieve one of those global goals that you have added to the list of main priorities or the list of new activities.

To do this, this or that goal should be divided into stages and determine what time it will take to go through each of them. When you begin to act, it will help you understand how far you have advanced or, conversely, that you are stuck at some stage.

List of people worth contacting


If you are an employee of a large company, you can only be familiar with a limited circle of colleagues. While outside your attention there may be leading employees whose range of activities is close and interesting to you.


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It is quite reasonable to establish close communication with them, exchange ideas, gain experience. To do this, you need to add them to your list, and then invite them to coffee or lunch. You can also find interesting people among your neighbors or parents at the school where your child goes.

List of your achievements for the month

Sometimes we get the feeling that we are stuck and stomping in one place, and the incentive for further actions is lost. And to get such inspiration can help again compiling a list. If you sit down and think carefully, then most likely you will find achievements that you have had during the month.

This is what they need to be listed. This will allow you to remember what you had to overcome and what it gave you, what are the pluses. And also to analyze the upcoming obstacles and draw up a plan to overcome them.

Ten minute list


As a rule, we all do not have enough time. But when suddenly an unexpected ten-minute break appears, we begin to recall what we did not do. So that such breaks are not wasted, you need to write down short-term but necessary things in advance.

For example, to clean files on a computer, sew on a button, put it in a drawer, sort clothes on a shelf in a closet, wipe the mirror in the hallway. Such trifles tend to accumulate in large quantities over time. And if you do them quietly throughout the week, then, you see, there will not be so many of them.

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List of things you forget to buy

For example, in the living room you do not have enough flower vases, but since it is not a necessity, every time you get to the store, you forget to buy it. While you can buy a not-so-needed thing that catches your eye.

Therefore, it is useful to have a list of things that you plan to purchase in the near future, focusing on your needs. This will help you to manage your household more rationally and save money from your family budget.

Gift Ideas List


Sometimes during shopping trips we come across objects that could be a wonderful gift for our loved ones. But since this happens long before the next birthday, we often forget about it later. And so that this does not happen, it is worth adding the things you like to the list, and at the right time to contact him. So you save your nerves and time, and birthday people will be grateful to you.

List of habits that you would like to get rid of

It's no secret that we are all imperfect, and everyone has bad habits. So, someone smokes a lot, someone without a drink drinks soda, someone spends all his free time on social networks. For these negative phenomena, it is also worth finding a place among your lists.

It is only necessary to consider that the correct wording is required here. It should be written as if you have already overcome them. So, if you want to stop biting your nails, you need to write: "I no longer bite my nails."

Thus, instead of a list containing a negative, you get a list of achievements. This will bring positive thoughts to your mind and help get rid of at least some of the evil inclinations in a shorter time.