
Miracles of the human body: 10 incredible world records

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Miracles of the human body: 10 incredible world records
Miracles of the human body: 10 incredible world records



The human body is an amazing thing. Sometimes it seems that we know absolutely everything about the capabilities of people. And then scientists discover an individual who effortlessly runs enormous distances or sees in the dark. This is us to the fact that nature is able to create something truly impressive. Well, we can only be surprised at what unusual people live on this planet.

Unusual stretch

It's funny that someone even thought of the question: “And who has the most stretched skin?” But it is so! And even a winner was found - Harry Turner.

It is he who has the most elastic skin. Due to the rare disease of Ehlers-Danlos, his skin is capable of stretching over a rather impressive distance. For example, Harry can stretch the skin on his stomach by almost 16 cm!


This is a beard!

There is a statement that a man’s beard can grow up to 9 meters. Of course, one of the main conditions in this case is never to cut your hair. Sarvan Singh will be able to prove whether this is true or not.

Sikhs are forbidden to use scissors and cut hair from the head and face. That is why Sarvan became the owner of the longest beard in the world, its length reaches 2.5 meters!


10 things that every girl should enjoy before the wedding (friends, etc.)

The journalist told the weather forecast, and everyone laughed at him (video)


The boy in the store got bored: he ran through the store with a bucket on his head


When did not come out growth

Chandra Bahadur Dangi, not at all striving for this, became the world record holder. He is considered the smallest person on Earth. His height is 54.6 cm. This is slightly less than the length of a large-format newspaper.


How not to bite your tongue

In 2015, Nick Stoberl became the proud holder of the title “Longest Language”. By the way, winning this nomination is not so simple. In the world there are many people who have long languages ​​(literally).

Nick's tongue is 10.08 cm and is his pride. He gladly shows it to everyone.


Great manicure!

We all know that human nails are quite strong, but so much so!

In order not to spill and do not burn your fingers: do-it-yourself stylish carrying for coffee


Simple and budget: people began to use disposable masks as a water filter

Surfer enjoying the ocean until he watched an incredible drone video

Lee Redmond for about 30 years raised her nails. Her total “nail” length was as much as 8.5 meters! Unfortunately, after the accident in 2009, I had to say goodbye to manicure.


When mouth to ear

Have you ever wanted, while looking at a delicious dish, to swallow it whole? Francisco Joachim can afford it, because his mouth is 17 cm wide! It is hard to imagine how wide it is?

Then imagine a regular can of Coca-Cola. Such a rather big thing Francisco can calmly put in his mouth, without experiencing any discomfort.


Width matters too

Well, if people are not too lazy to measure the length of the tongue, why not measure the width at the same time?

Byron Shlenker became a champion in this category, the width of his tongue is 8.6 cm! Such a rare gift, the father managed to convey to his daughter, who became the owner of the widest language in the female category.


Instead of a stack of pancakes for Shrovetide, my wife cooked one big one. Sharing a recipe

Due to lack of money, my sister pasted the floor with paper: the effect is amazing!


The policeman called the owners: they did not suspect that their husky walks on the roofs

Intriguing look

Kim Goodman does something incredible. If desired, she can bulge her eyes out of the eye sockets by as much as 12 mm! It is quite difficult to break such a world record.


And men love well-groomed hands

Not only women love to take care of their nails. Melvin Booth from Troy, Michigan carefully grew his nails and achieved good results. The total length of his nails is almost 10 meters! We still don’t really understand how to take a shower, eat, wipe … well, in general, it is not clear.
