
Iraq Attractions: Overview, History, and Interesting Facts

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Iraq Attractions: Overview, History, and Interesting Facts
Iraq Attractions: Overview, History, and Interesting Facts

Video: Iraq- 12 Interesting Facts! 2024, June

Video: Iraq- 12 Interesting Facts! 2024, June

This land, steeped in legends, is the birthplace of ancient civilizations. The eventful history of the country, an incredible number of architectural, religious and archaeological sites make Iraq one of the most interesting places on our planet. And even the tragic events of recent decades could not prevent the development of tourism, although now it is not in the best condition.

To get into a colorful country, the whole history of which is numerous wars, is very difficult, but the memories of an extreme trip will remain for life.

Iraq: Attractions and General Information

The Republic of Iraq, which is divided into 16 provinces, is headed by the president. The area of ​​the country is more than 441 thousand km 2, its capital is in Baghdad. The Islamic state lying in the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers ranks second in oil reserves and tenth in large deposits of natural coal. Most of it is located in the subtropical zone of the continental type with hot summers and warm winters. Living in a country of about 31 million people is subject to Sharia law, and Muslim attitudes should be considered when visiting it.

A state that can tell about highly developed civilizations and their rich history has today turned into a hot spot on the planet. In Iraq, the sights of which were not spared by the war, an unstable political situation remains to this day. Unfortunately, not all historical and architectural monuments can be found now, since many were destroyed as a result of hostilities. We will focus on the most interesting and popular tourist sites:

  • Al-Askari Mosque.

  • Ziggurat of the moon god Nunna.

  • The tomb of the son-in-law of the prophet Muhammad.

  • The ruins of Babylon.

  • Archaeological Museum.

  • The Golden Mosque.

The long-suffering Al-Askari Mosque in Samarra


When it comes to the main sights of Iraq, it is impossible not to mention the Al-Askari mosque, which suffered after the terrorist attack. The main Shiite temple of the country, built in the 9th century in the city of Samarra, is one of the most popular sites among tourists. The largest mosque, reconstructed several times, is protected by UNESCO and recognized as a national property of Iraqis. The tomb, in which two imams rest, was famous for its golden dome about 68 meters high. Unfortunately, as a result of the terrorist attack in 2006, he and two minarets were badly damaged, and restoration work was carried out over several years.

Now the dome no longer shines with luxury, but still adorns the city landscape. Despite the fact that the most beautiful mosque became the epicenter of hostilities, it continues to attract pilgrims in a hurry to bow to the holy place.

Ziggurat of the Moon God of Nunn in Ur


For four thousand years BC, life was in full swing on the territory of the ancient state. The pagan place of the priests, who performed magical rituals and astronomical observations here, testifies to the Sumerian culture - a highly developed civilization, the secrets of which are not open to this day. The moon god Nunn descended into a ziggurat imitating a mountain, making his journeys through the night sky, where he was presented with various gifts.

The large tower with multi-tiered ledges-terraces, painted in different colors, is a bit like the Egyptian pyramid, on top of which was the sanctuary of the deity. Researchers are amazed by the fact that the unique sight of Iraq, built from ordinary bricks, could stand such a huge period of time.

Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf


One of the significant shrines of the Muslim world is the tomb of the son-in-law of the prophet Muhammad - Ali ibn Abu Talib. Initially, it appeared above his grave in the X century, but soon the mosque was destroyed by a terrible fire, and it was restored for a long time. Located on the main square of the city, it is an important attraction of Iraq, which is visited by thousands of pilgrims to commemorate the imam. There is also a famous university that has presented the world with many preachers and learned people who have made a huge contribution to the development of Islam.

In 2004, fierce battles took place in the city for three weeks between the Shiites who threatened to blow up the temple and the coalition forces, but the shrine with the golden gate and the gilded dome did not suffer very much, and traces of shootings are visible only on the facade of the religious monument.

The ruins of Babylon


Perhaps there is not a single person who would not hear about Babylon and its unfinished tower. The ruins of the ancient city that appears in historical and religious books can be seen a hundred kilometers from Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. Sights (archeological monuments), reminiscent of the former greatness of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, attract tourists who want to get acquainted with the oldest city in the world, where there were hanging gardens of Babylon, palaces of Nebuchadnezzar and other wonders of the world.

The majestic and influential center of ancient civilization, lying on the banks of the Euphrates, existed until the moment when it was captured by the Persian king Cyrus. Babylon has long been gone, but the picturesque ruins silently tell of the power of the city of Babylon (that is what the Iraqis call it). The historical ruins with the remains of the residence of Nebuchadnezzar, the asphalt road, the royal ziggurat, the Ishtar Gate attract the attention of archaeologists from all over the world, who found out that there were more than 50 temples and 300 sanctuaries where local gods were worshiped.

Today, this legendary place, considered a great archaeological site of all time, can be visited by every daredevil who decides to travel to leave an indelible impression on Iraq.

Country treasury

The ancient city, which was once the main one in Mesopotamia, can rightly be called a real treasury of the country. The giant metropolis stores a huge number of monuments, and the Archaeological Museum, a recognized landmark of Iraq, cannot be ignored among them. His collection, containing about 10 thousand priceless exhibits of Sumerian, Babylonian and other cultures, will delight all history buffs. During the bombing, the museum was closed to visitors, but today it has again opened its doors to all comers.


By order of former President Hussein, a monument to Al-Shahid was erected in 1983, located in the middle of an artificial lake. Dedicated to Iraqi soldiers, it consists of a tall turquoise dome sparkling in the sun. Its two halves, between which the Eternal Flame burns, are displaced relative to each other, and below them is the underground level with an exhibition complex, a museum and a library.